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Old 01-05-2009, 12:24 PM   #101
94cobra69ss39694cobra69ss396 is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
Ron: We had differences of opinion and I enjoyed discussing them with you. I hope we can talk more in the future. And maybe you'll sell me the the SS396 for dirt cheap?

We will be talking more but I will never sell the Chevelle. It was my first car that I bought when I was 16 for $450. It was my daily driver back when my wife and I started dating, in fact on our first date I took her to LACR and let her drag race the car. Even if I wanted to sell it she wouldn't let me.
Old 01-05-2009, 12:29 PM   #102
94cobra69ss39694cobra69ss396 is offline
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Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 View Post
You've met me, and I've been with VetteMOD since the day it started.
Ya but you were here before I was. I was only referring to the guys that have recently come over that Rodsknockin was complaining about.
Old 01-05-2009, 03:45 PM   #103
RodsknockinRodsknockin is offline
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 View Post
Rodsknockin the wording and spelling of your posts portray a 15 year kid with no friends. I haven't met any of the guys who came over from VM but from what they have posted they seem to be good guys and actually contribute to the forum. I've had my arguments with a couple (DJ Dep and big_G) but we were able to see each others points and resolve our differences. No biggy.

You on the otherhand have not contributed anything to this site besides name calling and insults. Your first post you tried to make the impression that you were some kind of investigator. What is it that you really do? If you need help I'll start.

My name is Ron and I am 38 years old. I'm a Technical Systems Analyst for a POS (Point Of Sale) manufacturer. My brother is also on this site. He is Throttle Crazy. His name is Phil and he is 35 and is a Service Manager for a Chevrolet dealership.

Now why don't you be honest (if you can) and tell everyone who you really are and what it is that you do?
First I've done very little name calling in comparison.Second if someone calls you in the middle of the night and tells you your house is on fire and your able to get your family out before the entire house goes up in smoke does it matter who the caller was ?
I take it you didnt go over to CF and search the archives for what really happened.If you did you would see it didnt happen how the boys said.
If you dont want to go to CF then go to Digital Corvette and search out the owner Patrick and ask him about these guys.He had to boot most of them including one of the owners of Vettmod-Twin Turbo (posts as Vtwin).
Ron you seem to be a reasonable guy if you think I'm some kind of lying trouble maker have you ask yourself what my motive might be ?
I know you have heard the saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink".I've tried to warn you guys maybe you will believe it if it comes from owner of Digital Corvette. If you would like and if I can find it,I will bring you a link to the last thread when Patrick told Twin Turbo he would lift his ban on him so he could come back and explain himself. TT ran like a little girl.
Ron DJ Dep was just feeling you out,its the way he works.He has had more bans than most of them.
Old 01-05-2009, 03:50 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
including one of the owners of Vettmod-Twin Turbo (posts as Vtwin).
V-Twin is Xander, his twin brother . I know, Ive had dinner with him. Just like DB, you can't seem to even get the facts straight in one post.
Chrome don't get you home.
Old 01-05-2009, 03:55 PM   #105
94cobra69ss39694cobra69ss396 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
First I've done very little name calling in comparison.Second if someone calls you in the middle of the night and tells you your house is on fire and your able to get your family out before the entire house goes up in smoke does it matter who the caller was ?
I take it you didnt go over to CF and search the archives for what really happened.If you did you would see it didnt happen how the boys said.
If you dont want to go to CF then go to Digital Corvette and search out the owner Patrick and ask him about these guys.He had to boot most of them including one of the owners of Vettmod-Twin Turbo (posts as Vtwin).
Ron you seem to be a reasonable guy if you think I'm some kind of lying trouble maker have you ask yourself what my motive might be ?
I know you have heard the saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink".I've tried to warn you guys maybe you will believe it if it comes from owner of Digital Corvette. If you would like and if I can find it,I will bring you a link to the last thread when Patrick told Twin Turbo he would lift his ban on him so he could come back and explain himself. TT ran like a little girl.
Ron DJ Dep was just feeling you out,its the way he works.He has had more bans than most of them.
I don't have a Vette and don't care what went down on the other sites. I'm going off what people have posted here. All I asked was for you to give your name and what you did for a living. It's easy to do as I showed you in my post. All you have to do is type my name is so and so and I'm a sophmore in highschool. See how easy it is?
Old 01-05-2009, 04:50 PM   #106
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Ron: At least I wasn't "feeling you up" as Dick Knockin seems to enjoy doing
Of all the people at CF, I guarantee Dick Knockin knows the least about me.

I have been banned a total of 3 times. Twice from CF. One time I did it on purpose because I was fooling with (defeating) the forum censor. I was back in in 1 week. Second time was for questioning the great and powerful Oz (DB) for the legality of recommending the installation and him selling tail lights that were not DOT-approved. I said it was irresponsible and would get people tickets. I asked if he was gonna pay the fine. The mods in his pocket would have no questioning of Oz about something like that and I was banned. I am now back there. Although what remains of CF is pretty sad. Typical questions over there are "Do most people back in or pull in when they park". I shit you not. That is a REAL concern (and a real thread) at CF!!!!


I was banned once and am still banned from DC. I asked for specific and precise information on what was and wasn't allowed to be posted at DC. I was accused of "questioning a mods decision" and banned for it. This was after the mod had agreed to go to Patrick for a ruling. While DC started out as a cool place and a nice refuge from CF, it ended up being pretty much the same thing. Plus I think there are more mods over there than members. When the orginal group from CF that went there left to VM, the C3 section ended up being mainly posts from mods to mods about what the weather was like in their area. A shame...that could have been a cool place.
Motorgen has this location and it's something that is needed on every forum.
It is quickly becoming my favorite car forum. And yes, I have posted in car threads located here besides this section.

VM is pretty cool. But quite honestly I don't go there anywhere near as often as Dick Knockin would have everyone believe. And the guys who left CF for there don't sit around conspiring about how to mess with DB next. We have REAL lives to lead
Old 01-05-2009, 06:39 PM   #107
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Here's a quote from the "conspiracy" thread in this section which shows the opposite point of view:

Originally Posted by V-Twin View Post
What's really interesting is the following.

Several people have been members of CorvetteForum since almost the beginning. Myself, I have been a member there since early 2000. I didn't own a corvette then but my brother did and I enjoyed reading and the occasional post. I never got into a fight there in all those years. The same holds true for many others. They have been active on CF for up to 7 or 8 years without incident and then you join and all hell breaks loose. The first day you joined I and many others thought "who the hell is this guy, responding to every thread". Simply looking at the thread index and you saw last post by "Durango_Boy" on the entire first page of the listing. I can see how that upset some people, it did upset me too as the information provided was frequently erroneous, or in fact plain bull crap.

Now, I know you love to play the innocent little guy who gets bullied. However, how do you explain that you sent PMs to other members on CF warning them about me, and how I was the same person as my brother Twin_Turbo, how you somehow knew we used the same IP address on occasion (which is true) and you also had intimate knowledge of my and my brothers CF activity, in respect to when either of us was online or not. In fact, me and my brother were called upon it by several moderators when we were visiting the states this year, driving down R66 we got harassed by 3 moderators for having the identical IP address. This was of course no surprise, since it was the same laptop connected to the same hotel wireless connection.

So you feel it is your right to start spreading rumors about us and insinuating that in fact Twin_Turbo was posing as V-Twin (me) and using it to start crap on the forum. Sure, he created a 2nd account in 2000 just to let it lie dormant until that glorious day in 2006 or whenever you joined, only to resurrect it to haunt you, oh poor mistreated one.
To explain the reason why I became sort of active after all those years, it's simple. I bought a 77 corvette.

Also, your minions started to plaster my profile page on CF with mindless dribble after you saw the picture of the 2 of us in the states, comments like gee there's 2 of them and they are not cyclops' and other rubbish to that extent.

As for the erroneous comments, it was you who wrote that about the flexplate. Someone came to your rescue by saying that in some cars the flywheel and flexplate are used together. In those cars the flywheel bolts to the flexplate, which is retained for use as a starter gear. Sure, but not in a corvette.

The same with the spring shortening. Who was it who proposed hammering the spring? You did. Someone came forth with the practice of peening a compressed spring to set the crystalline structure and thus to shorten it's length by fixing the compressed windings. All nice and dandy but that wasn't what you meant, but it provided yet another sleazy way of backing out of a tight squeeze where you were about to be proven a BS artist once more.

Then there was the hydrobooster install. First there was the issue with the return line, which in fact is not a normal gas or fluid connector thread, it's a bolt thread.
Secondly, the issue with the line flaring. You told someone to flare a power steering valve line. I told that it was not possible to flare such a short line after cutting and that for use with AN/JIC hardware you needed a special 37 double flare tool. You then said you meant to say take the line to a shop. I then said that was BS because you could have the shop fab up a whole new line, no need to reuse the old. Then it became clear that the proposed intent for this line was to hook up a hydrobooster return line. A very dangerous proposition, upsetting the hydraulics on a steering system like that can have dire consequences.

I won't even start about your professional engine building qualities. Who was it who had built a bunch of excellent performing sbc engines but had never seen the rear deck oil plug for the diagonally drilled main oil gallery, the one that intersects the vertical one with the hidden plug? Kind of weird as every GM SBC casting has that very plug. Sucks when you have the heads back on. However, it's not too strange considering you go seeking advise elsewhere, on every forum known to man, only to return to CF with your newly gained knowledge and making it seem as you are an experienced builder. No wonder mistakes slip in. I feel for the poor sap who will eventually contact you as a follow up on your craigslist ad for an engine build, or maybe he won't get an engine at all, like the guy who never got his heads.

How about aligning the pulleys by moving the harmonic balancer in and out? That was a good one too. Or what about the .3" overbore? you must have a very thick walled block for that kind of oversize. Incredible!

These are the examples I can come up with off the top of my head. your stealing of copyrighted materials, interfering in auctions, for sale threads and the spreading of a hydrobooster install paper with the sole intent of selling hydroboosters and firewall plates has been covered by others here.

One other thing concerning the HB, how many times have you actually installed on? I'm willing to bet none. What you merely did was scrape up all the info you could find, the majority provided by guys like Norval Wilhelm and others who had done the swap and assemble your "paper" as a means of providing evidence to support your "guru" status.

You also feel you are a sort of Corvette forum authority and community saint. Feeling the need to post thank you threads with the sole intent of reaping praise, which obviously turns you on. it's like watching Jim Jones and his worshipers all over again.

You even sent me a PM thanking me for helping others on CF. I told you then, I don't need you to thank me. Who do you think you are feeling the need to play the forum goodie 2 shoes there and having the right to thank me in the name of all other members. You have a bloated ego, that's what it is.

Frankly, the CF was much better off without you. That place was a wealth of info. Right now it's not even a shadow of it's former self. With moderators who have been a member for maybe 2 or 3 years and who wouldn't know a lugnut from a water pump.

Why do you think the common knowledge base there left? Because of people like me or people like you? I was on the forum since 1999, others too. Fact is, the large exodus started after you joined, not us.

You are an evil internet attention whore who for some to me unknown reason can quickly put a spell on people with your magic internet fairy dust. CF is a lost cause, that place is down the drain. You ruined it for all of us. And that is exactly the reason why so many of us are so disgruntled. We put our souls into that place, we gave a lot of info, tried to help others and it was taken away from us. You say we never help people. Who do you think answered all those questions before you came and felt the need to answer each and every post? There had to be someone answering them, or maybe they had only 0 reply threads?

Another thing is the X mas thread. We had that for years, it all worked fine. Then you felt the need to show off your omnipotence and start the thread last year instead of who started it usually (I think it was buddy) and what did you do? You d-boyverized the thread by including xmas wishes. What happened, sure enough it was violated. Instead of having a thread in the x-mas spirit of giving it ended up being a noobs requesting outrageous stuff thread. That left such a foul taste in my mouth that I (and others) didn't offer anything up for grabs. Mind you, my brother offered stuff up every year. He offered hundreds of dollars worth of parts and even covered shipping on all of it. One year it cost him almost 500$ in shipping alone. Did he care? No, but you know, us being the selfish evil scumbags you make us out to be, we were only out to nail you and we were the ones who ruined that very thread.

I was banned because I changed my avatar to this. Now, what would be the relation between you, this picture and the reason of me getting banned?


I'm not too worried about having been banned, I don't need the info from CF anyway, not that there is any worthwhile tech info being posted there anymore. I can handle anything and everything fine myself. The real losers, and they may not even realize it, are the other members who have to make due with your BS advice and help now.

You don't even know what it took to make the C3 section what it was before you joined. What it took to get it as organized as it was with a C3 General and Tech section.

Instead you marched in and claimed everything you saw as yours. You ruined a pleasant experience/pass time for many of us. We aren't the problem here, you are. And if we disgust you, realize that we have become what you made us become. We should in fact applaud you for single handedly ruining an entire forum. An internet feat not easily surpassed, if it ever will be.

And yes, they are twins, I just met them both at their shop/garage about two months ago. They're real, know their way around cars and are a lot of fun to be around
Old 01-05-2009, 07:26 PM   #108
94cobra69ss39694cobra69ss396 is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
Ron: At least I wasn't "feeling you up" as Dick Knockin seems to enjoy doing
Of all the people at CF, I guarantee Dick Knockin knows the least about me.

I have been banned a total of 3 times. Twice from CF. One time I did it on purpose because I was fooling with (defeating) the forum censor. I was back in in 1 week. Second time was for questioning the great and powerful Oz (DB) for the legality of recommending the installation and him selling tail lights that were not DOT-approved. I said it was irresponsible and would get people tickets. I asked if he was gonna pay the fine. The mods in his pocket would have no questioning of Oz about something like that and I was banned. I am now back there. Although what remains of CF is pretty sad. Typical questions over there are "Do most people back in or pull in when they park". I shit you not. That is a REAL concern (and a real thread) at CF!!!!


I was banned once and am still banned from DC. I asked for specific and precise information on what was and wasn't allowed to be posted at DC. I was accused of "questioning a mods decision" and banned for it. This was after the mod had agreed to go to Patrick for a ruling. While DC started out as a cool place and a nice refuge from CF, it ended up being pretty much the same thing. Plus I think there are more mods over there than members. When the orginal group from CF that went there left to VM, the C3 section ended up being mainly posts from mods to mods about what the weather was like in their area. A shame...that could have been a cool place.
Motorgen has this location and it's something that is needed on every forum.
It is quickly becoming my favorite car forum. And yes, I have posted in car threads located here besides this section.

VM is pretty cool. But quite honestly I don't go there anywhere near as often as Dick Knockin would have everyone believe. And the guys who left CF for there don't sit around conspiring about how to mess with DB next. We have REAL lives to lead
All's good Dep. I understand why you guys have an issue with DB. I would too. I'm not as nice because I would be the one to go to his house to collect. I did the same thing to a guy I hired to landscape my backyard. He didn't show up for two days so I found out where he lived and paid him a visit. He was there the following day to finish up the work.
Old 01-05-2009, 07:57 PM   #109
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so do you pull in forward or back into a spot ???

Old 01-05-2009, 11:01 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
. . .

I have been banned a total of 3 times. Twice from CF. . . .

I play hardball in the summers and we had this young guy who played fiercely. Game one of the season may as well have been the 7th game of the world series. He was once ejected twice . . . in the same game. I've never seen it before or since. After being ejected from pitcher to short stop (for hitting like the first three batters, honestly on accident) he couldn't cool down and was asked to leave. He loved Jesus so wouldn't swear, but I've never heard a person scream "gosh darn it" more ferociously in my life. He was a hell of ball player though. Thanks for the memory trigger.

It's a sad fact, but you just have to get heavy with some people for them to deliver. Sometimes (especially for younger people) I think it is actually a good learning experience for them . . . not every one is going to let you slide through life.
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