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View Poll Results: This is a multiple choice, public poll. (Please vote only twice)
Who here believes that Bird is a fraud? 1 3.45%
Who here believes that Bird is the mechanical/ electrical guru that we all followed on the DC tour? 17 58.62%
Who here believes that Rods Knockin is a fraud? 27 93.10%
Who here believes that Rods Knockin is the voluteer law enforcement official that he claims to be? 0 0%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 01-04-2009, 05:49 PM   #91
RodsknockinRodsknockin is offline
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Originally Posted by kwplot34 View Post
What the Hell does that comment have any thing to do with your Super Hero d_b paying back the money that he owe's????????????
If you are any sign of what kind of friends he has,then d_b has some deeper more serious problems than being a welcher on his debt's.
Your in the wrong thread. This thread is about Birdbrains missing feathers.
Old 01-04-2009, 05:58 PM   #92
kwplot34kwplot34 is offline
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Bird is a stand up guy and a good friend,i have visited him in Ca and have been a guest in his home. Jeff will help and has helped any body that needs a hand.
Unfortunately for you,you have know idea what a good friend is or how one is supposed to act.
So call all the names you want,Jeff will still have many friends,and will always be somebody i call a GOOD FRIEND.
Old 01-04-2009, 07:20 PM   #93
RodsknockinRodsknockin is offline
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Originally Posted by kwplot34 View Post
Bird is a stand up guy and a good friend,i have visited him in Ca and have been a guest in his home. Jeff will help and has helped any body that needs a hand.

So call all the names you want,Jeff will still have many friends,and will always be somebody i call a GOOD FRIEND.
I dont doubt anything above.He IS a hell of a mechanic and he has helped many but that does not give him the RIGHT to make DBs life and others miserable.
Old 01-04-2009, 08:35 PM   #94
kwplot34kwplot34 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
I dont doubt anything above.He IS a hell of a mechanic and he has helped many but that does not give him the RIGHT to make DBs life and others miserable.
He did not make d_b life miserable,d_b did that all by himself.Well d_b did have some help from his friends i'm sure.
Old 01-04-2009, 09:10 PM   #95
redvetracrredvetracr is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
My identity is not important at this point we have bigger problems here.We need to find out why Howard won't wear his Depends.drip drip drip drip drip

pssst...don`t look now but your on your own...even db has left you twisting in the wind all by your lonesome self...it`s been four days since he logged in here. btw no need to worry about me my PSA is 1.75...better luck next time though ....if there is a next time....
Old 01-05-2009, 04:04 AM   #96
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
I dont doubt anything above.He IS a hell of a mechanic and he has helped many but that does not give him the RIGHT to make DBs life and others miserable.
As Kevin pointed out, his wounds are self inflicted. As for rights, it's called the first ammendment. Look it up.
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Old 01-05-2009, 09:17 AM   #97
BRUTAL64BRUTAL64 is offline
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:37 AM   #98
94cobra69ss39694cobra69ss396 is offline
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Rodsknockin the wording and spelling of your posts portray a 15 year kid with no friends. I haven't met any of the guys who came over from VM but from what they have posted they seem to be good guys and actually contribute to the forum. I've had my arguments with a couple (DJ Dep and big_G) but we were able to see each others points and resolve our differences. No biggy.

You on the otherhand have not contributed anything to this site besides name calling and insults. Your first post you tried to make the impression that you were some kind of investigator. What is it that you really do? If you need help I'll start.

My name is Ron and I am 38 years old. I'm a Technical Systems Analyst for a POS (Point Of Sale) manufacturer. My brother is also on this site. He is Throttle Crazy. His name is Phil and he is 35 and is a Service Manager for a Chevrolet dealership.

Now why don't you be honest (if you can) and tell everyone who you really are and what it is that you do?
Old 01-05-2009, 12:18 PM   #99
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Ron: We had differences of opinion and I enjoyed discussing them with you. I hope we can talk more in the future. And maybe you'll sell me the the SS396 for dirt cheap?

Old 01-05-2009, 12:22 PM   #100
BRUTAL64BRUTAL64 is offline
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 View Post
Rodsknockin the wording and spelling of your posts portray a 15 year kid with no friends. I haven't met any of the guys who came over from VM but from what they have posted they seem to be good guys and actually contribute to the forum. I've had my arguments with a couple (DJ Dep and big_G) but we were able to see each others points and resolve our differences. No biggy.

You on the otherhand have not contributed anything to this site besides name calling and insults. Your first post you tried to make the impression that you were some kind of investigator. What is it that you really do? If you need help I'll start.

My name is Ron and I am 38 years old. I'm a Technical Systems Analyst for a POS (Point Of Sale) manufacturer. My brother is also on this site. He is Throttle Crazy. His name is Phil and he is 35 and is a Service Manager for a Chevrolet dealership.

Now why don't you be honest (if you can) and tell everyone who you really are and what it is that you do?
You've met me, and I've been with VetteMOD since the day it started.
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