Originally Posted by silvertermi04
I will be at the show, not showing the cobra this year. I and a few of the guys from LAMC will be going to
Chicago Deep Dish get together after FFF.
Tony's Little Italy
1808 N Placentia Ave # B
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 528-2159
If u would like to join us that would be great, We are thinking of ordering and taking it to a near by park and for some pictures after. Anyone interested let me know.
You picked a winner of a Pizza place. This place is AWESOME and it's been some time since I've been there.
Hmm...as for a park for good pics.
Tri-city - kinda crowded and if sports are going on, forget it. (I wonder about the back side of tri-city (enter off of rolling hills and placentia ave).
There is a school just across the street with a very empty parking lot and a field, or even the high school around the corner. El Dorado

Oh my alma mater.....................
Ehh, we'll figure it out.
Darn it! I'm going to miss pizza - I have concert to attend that night. You guys will have to take photos for me.