After the last two big fires we had here in SoCal (Irvine, Anaheim Hills) my under-hood paint got owned and has this black stuff seemingly etched into it (wax won't take it out and engine degreaser only seems to smear it around a little). I don't care as I plan on getting a nicer hood in the future, but it still sucks.
Originally Posted by enkeivette
Just do me a favor, avoid the body seams and emblems with the applicator. Then go back and apply it carefully around those spots. I hate wax around emblems and between seams.
I agree, but if you can't avoid it then one of the tools I use is sort of like a pen - it has a soft nylon brush on one end and a soft rubber "eraser" sort of thing that goes in between body gaps and in between emblems/moldings to get wax out of cracks.

I think Autozone or Pep Boys have them.