You know... this entire thing is so far beyond ridiculous, it's unbelievable.
This is not about a frigging furnace nor does anybody want to know how much it was to replace it, it's not about how much money you have and how much you make or if you have job or what not.... most people don't care at this point.... the one thing I agree with you on is the fact that it is nobody's business what you spend YOUR money on.
Simple fact is that you received $770 for a set of heads that was your responsibility to deliver - you did not deliver anything but a story that as far as I heard changed quiet a few times.
Now.... I'm not telling what you should be doing, I'm just telling you what I would have done: I'd be embarrassed having to tell the guy that the item was unusable and I'd be sending HIS money back right away - or better: not cash the check.
No money ? Well... I've been thru hard times too.... but I have dignity and pride: If I did not have the money to pay someone back i'd be selling my rims, my car stereo, my computer.... SOMETHING ... to pay that guy's money back....
I would NEVER let 7 weeks + pass and let this story be posted publicly on the net accessible to everybody.... I'd be ashamed and embarrassed...
Now ... you're proudly posting about the great deal and the $200 you made.... wonderful.... so it took this much to get you moving ??? Why did you not move and do something weeks before the infamous "hey DB, where are my heads" thread ??
Oh, and please don't take anything to PM or email.... if you cannot say it publicly, don't say it....
Now, again, before you start whining about being attacked by the "known bad guys".... I have never personally attacked anyone or even posted anything negative about forum members here, there, or elsewhere so don't even think about playing the cry and blame game with me.
It's as simple as this: you cashed a check that you received for something that you did not deliver, give the man his money back and move on.
Scroll up a little and look for the words "pride" and "dignity"