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Old 12-30-2008, 06:40 PM   #391
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
I must have missed those, maybe I'll have time to go back and read through again tomorrow.
So, CF bench warmer, you have time to reflect on history as you wrote it yet? Just curious. I don't really expect you to fess up. It's just not your thing.
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Old 12-30-2008, 06:42 PM   #392
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by big2bird View Post
So, CF bench warmer, you have time to reflect on history as you wrote it yet? Just curious. I don't really expect you to fess up. It's just not your thing.

Do you remember what page they were on? I really don't feel like sifting through 40 pages.
Old 12-30-2008, 06:56 PM   #393
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
Do you remember what page they were on? I really don't feel like sifting through 40 pages.
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Old 12-30-2008, 07:33 PM   #394
mybad79mybad79 is offline
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You know... this entire thing is so far beyond ridiculous, it's unbelievable.

This is not about a frigging furnace nor does anybody want to know how much it was to replace it, it's not about how much money you have and how much you make or if you have job or what not.... most people don't care at this point.... the one thing I agree with you on is the fact that it is nobody's business what you spend YOUR money on.
Simple fact is that you received $770 for a set of heads that was your responsibility to deliver - you did not deliver anything but a story that as far as I heard changed quiet a few times.
Now.... I'm not telling what you should be doing, I'm just telling you what I would have done: I'd be embarrassed having to tell the guy that the item was unusable and I'd be sending HIS money back right away - or better: not cash the check.

No money ? Well... I've been thru hard times too.... but I have dignity and pride: If I did not have the money to pay someone back i'd be selling my rims, my car stereo, my computer.... SOMETHING ... to pay that guy's money back....

I would NEVER let 7 weeks + pass and let this story be posted publicly on the net accessible to everybody.... I'd be ashamed and embarrassed...

Now ... you're proudly posting about the great deal and the $200 you made.... wonderful.... so it took this much to get you moving ??? Why did you not move and do something weeks before the infamous "hey DB, where are my heads" thread ??

Oh, and please don't take anything to PM or email.... if you cannot say it publicly, don't say it....

Now, again, before you start whining about being attacked by the "known bad guys".... I have never personally attacked anyone or even posted anything negative about forum members here, there, or elsewhere so don't even think about playing the cry and blame game with me.

It's as simple as this: you cashed a check that you received for something that you did not deliver, give the man his money back and move on.

Scroll up a little and look for the words "pride" and "dignity"
Old 12-30-2008, 07:54 PM   #395
RodsknockinRodsknockin is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
I can agree with that but you have to admit its been good for business.Over 5000 views,the largest you guys have had.Hopefully some of you guys have gone over to CF and searched the threads over the past couple of years and seen that the Vettemod boys were hellbent on making everyones life miserable at CF because they couldnt have their way.For instance go look at all posts by 68L71 and you will see when he posted 95 percent of the time it was just to harass.Sourgrapes--if the boys couldnt get their way then no one would have peace.
Another example-Dwncchs cautioned a member to not use his wifes vacuum cleaner to remove remaining gasoline from his tank because it might blow up. The internet smart Twin Turbo chimed in and said (something to the effect) Bullshit it WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT BLOW UP.I think he just wanted to argue with DWncchs.How could you argue that there was the real possibility that it COULD blow up? So what if 9 times out of 10 Mythbusters tried it it didnt blow up-do we know under what conditions this test was performed ? No at least I dont and if it will blow up 1 time out of 10 why would you tell a rookie member its OK to use your 110volt vacuum cleaner to remove highly volatile gasoline from your fuel tank ? Probably because Twin Turbo had been looking for a subject to argue with DWncchs. You ever turned your shop vac on in the dark and seen that ring of fire around the armature ? Fuel vapor and a source of ignition can very well lead to an explosion. I believe DW chose to err on the side of caution and not put the safety of a member asking for advice in jeopardy based on 1 test Mythbusters did. Then when brought up to read the caution labels on your shop vac Twin Turbo changed his approach and blamed the USA for spreading bullshit. Who was spreading bullshit ? Guys do the internet a favor and go to CF and DC and search the archives for these guys posts and see how much of what they have said is the truth. They have come in in numbers and bombarded this forum with their slanted side of the story please go find out the truth so some of this crap can be stopped.
Hey bigbird does TT still tell guys its OK to use a 110v vacuum cleaner to remove gasoline from the fuel tank? Would you recommend it ?
Old 12-30-2008, 08:22 PM   #396
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wasted time.

Last edited by mybad79 : 12-31-2008 at 05:16 AM.
Old 12-31-2008, 05:25 AM   #397
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by mybad79 View Post
Now ... you're proudly posting about the great deal and the $200 you made.... wonderful.... so it took this much to get you moving ??? Why did you not move and do something weeks before the infamous "hey DB, where are my heads" thread ??

Simple, when Mike posted that thread it had only been several days from when I was told the heads were shipped so as far as I knew they were in transit and being delivered to Mike. There would have been no reason to refund him if there was still the chance that they were just held up.

Once we came to an agreement on when the heads were considered 'not received' I told him he was getting a refund. At that point I decided to withdraw money from an account that I really am not allowed to withdraw from except for emergency purposes and I waited for that check. I was going to convert it to a cashier's check or postal money order for Mike and mail it off the following day. Enter furnace purchase.

Since that point, I have been emailing and listing, and trying to sell as much stuff as I can to accumulate the full $770 since he will not accept anything less, even half payment.

So don't assume I should have been saving for a refund since the day he paid me and I have just been holding out. I started trying to put the money together immediately when I no longer had the funds.
Old 12-31-2008, 05:43 AM   #398
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Originally Posted by big2bird View Post

Cool, I would have gone backwards and it would have taken two more days.

First off, and I think it's kind of funny that you extrapolated your inside joke of me not knowing what a flexplate or flywheel is based on that quote. It was a combination of me typing the wrong word because I was thinking of a different make car, and a sarcastic response to a very nasty PM from a member then.

I didn't tell him to flip it or to take anything out or put anything back...I was giving him an option to look into because of a symptom I dealt with on a different make car that was extremely similar and the fix was simply putting the flexplate on correctly.

It's always been known to me that automatics have flexplates and manuals have flywheels, except when some makes use both for a manual. Either way, that's a bit of a stretch because I just typed the wrong word. Thinking one thing and writing another. Happens to you older guys a lot I'd imagine.

As for the brake booster thread, I was just confused from the start. Oh, and I like how you used that as an example of information that will get someone killed when in that very thread BBShark even said, "At least your bad information was not dangerous this time." That's funny.

Oh and I think having that brake pedal return spring is nice...it feels better than the pedals on the cars they had broken off of. Being that it's on most power brake cars too I see no reason why I should not suggest someone look to see if it's there or broken. At the very least the broken ones rattle and that's annoying.
Old 12-31-2008, 08:13 AM   #399
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The above two posts are your problem d_b (this and giving answers when you are unsure)…if you are wrong just say something like “oh shit, my mistake” instead of a paragraph explaining, you knew but you didn’t, you typed one thing and thought another etc…all these excuses makes you the king of BS.
Old 12-31-2008, 08:32 AM   #400
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by 68L71 View Post
The above two posts are your problem d_b (this and giving answers when you are unsure)…if you are wrong just say something like “oh shit, my mistake” instead of a paragraph explaining, you knew but you didn’t, you typed one thing and thought another etc…all these excuses makes you the king of BS.
He doesn't get it, and never will. That is why we left, and that is why we get more members every day. Give it up. It's like teaching a pig to sing. As soon as he gets back on CF, and has a "heroe's welcome" by the fellow cool aid drinkers, VM and MG can get back to normal.
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