View Full Version : Suspension Work

08-12-2011, 10:37 PM
I have been drag racing my car for years and still want to but I also want to make the car a little roadrace ready. Not to mention I'm sure some of the parts could use replacing as I just rolled 140,000 miles. *motor was replaced at 108,000 with MMR stroker*
BUT I have no idea where I should start? :(

Shaolin Crane
08-12-2011, 10:43 PM
Panhard bar, subframes, bilstein dampeners, c/c plates, and a torque arm will satisfy all your needs

08-12-2011, 10:52 PM
I would do it in this order

Subframes, c/c plates, rear lower control arms (drag race launches), Panhard bar, bilsteins

I have hit up Maximum Motorsports for all my suspension needs and am very happy. Great product and great installation instructions. I have not needed their customer service but I hear it it top notch. They are in San Louis Obispo so shipping is supper quick.

Shaolin Crane
08-12-2011, 11:14 PM
If we're going in order of importance. Panhard bar, control arms and bilsteins. c/c plates for later, only truly need them for aggressive camber settings, the stock ones are good for 1.5* negative.

Panhard first for sure though.

08-13-2011, 03:08 PM
If we're going in order of importance. Panhard bar, control arms and bilsteins. c/c plates for later, only truly need them for aggressive camber settings, the stock ones are good for 1.5* negative.

Panhard first for sure though.

I have MM CC plates (but GTR told me the "cup" on one of the CC plates is bad) and yellow shocks that say saleen on them :huh: and full Sub frame connectors. *came with the car*.
Everything else is stock I think. I was looking at some the the packages and I know I want a tube K-member so in the future I can go turbo.
If I go to full Coil-Over is that going to destroy my launch?

Shaolin Crane
08-13-2011, 03:12 PM
im pretty sure if you call MM they will replace that c/c plate. Coil overs can either help, or hurt or make both better, all depends on the dampeners and spring rate choice. I'd do a coil over conversion with HD shocks and struts and a 200lb-250lb spring up front and rear all depends if you want to go T/A or not. Get a panhard first though, you'll be happy

08-13-2011, 03:27 PM
What does the panhard do?

Shaolin Crane
08-13-2011, 04:51 PM
Locates the axle in side to side motion. Gets rid of rear end instability and gives it a defined predictability. VERY helpful on a mustang.

08-14-2011, 01:01 AM
The best handling Mustang I rode in had this Open Track system installed. Turn in was incredible and the rear stayed planted.



Shaolin Crane
08-14-2011, 02:29 AM
The best handling Mustang I rode in had this Open Track system installed. Turn in was incredible and the rear stayed planted.



Couple of things about griggs, first its 4x more expensive than MM second is griggs told me when i called before starting the build on my car that their parts are manufactured for the most weight loss possible making them NOT recomended for street use of any kind. Im sure some people do it, but from what they were saying i wouldnt. B oth companies are even for number one in terms of quality, MM beats them out on the price by far. Seeing that the full gr40 kit is around 25k last i checked and the full MM kit is around 15k. If you want to get really expensive give JME a call, their front suspension kit alone is about 20k

01-29-2012, 11:55 PM
Whats the best way to test if you need new shocks/struts?

Shaolin Crane
01-30-2012, 08:30 AM
Whats the best way to test if you need new shocks/struts?

Push your car up and down over and over, when you stop pushing if your car has any continual motion means you need or are going to need new shocks and struts

01-31-2012, 12:41 AM
Push your car up and down over and over, when you stop pushing if your car has any continual motion means you need or are going to need new shocks and struts

That and after pushing down a few times, it should start to be more difficult to push down.

01-31-2012, 07:19 PM
When I push down on the front left the whole car seems to bounce around some and then stop. :huh: I'm not a great judge though. As I pressed down I didn't notice any change in pressure, but it did seem very easy to press down.

I loves fixing stuff but I suck at figuring out whats wrong in the first place....:smack:

01-31-2012, 08:16 PM
Is this on your Mustang? If so, what springs and shock do you have in the front now because I have H&R springs with yellow Koni's on the front of the Cobra and I can't even move the front.

01-31-2012, 08:33 PM
Your shocks are toast.

01-31-2012, 08:52 PM
Is this on your Mustang? If so, what springs and shock do you have in the front now because I have H&R springs with yellow Koni's on the front of the Cobra and I can't even move the front.

All great questions that sadly I can't answer. The shocks in the rear are Yellow and say Saleen near the bottom, if that means anything. the Struts are so dirty they could be yellow but I can't tell. The cover near the top is Blue but also very dirty. The springs don't seem to have any marking on them that I can see BUT the car sits lower then my buddy's stock 00 GT so I assume the springs are not stock. Car also has CC plates but the old 3 bolt style. all this adds up to hell if I know....:huh:

I was going to buy new seats next month (yay tax return) but I'm thinking I should be getting new shocks and struts and springs. Then again I don't want to replace them if I really don't need to. Maybe I just go visit GTR next week lol.

01-31-2012, 08:53 PM
Your shocks are toast.

That's what I'm thinking....And that blows I really wanted the CR1's.

Shaolin Crane
01-31-2012, 11:28 PM
If they are so dirty you cant tell its time to replace them HD bilsteins are the way to go

02-15-2012, 09:23 PM
Anyone want to help me install my new shocks, struts and MM camber plates???

Shaolin Crane
02-15-2012, 09:57 PM
Swing by the shop and i can give you a hand. Not sure when i'm free though.

02-16-2012, 12:16 AM
If I had the time Id help you out. Free time is something I rarely have anymore. I have spring compressors you can borrow if you need them. Everything else should be pretty straight forward though.

Shaolin Crane
02-16-2012, 12:33 AM
Spring compressors arent required on sn-fox chassis

02-16-2012, 02:50 PM
Spring compressors arent required on sn-fox chassis

I didn't know that...learn some new all the time. Guy I'm busy this weekend (monster jam) free the following weekend anytime you can help me. Let me know.

Shaolin Crane
02-16-2012, 06:38 PM
I didn't know that...learn some new all the time. Guy I'm busy this weekend (monster jam) free the following weekend anytime you can help me. Let me know.

I'm busy this weekend anyhow. I'll send you a PM.