View Full Version : No power
03-10-2011, 05:02 PM
Hey guys,
Lately my 07 mustang gt feels like it has about 100 hp. It currently has 108k miles on it and I have yet to change spark plugs. I am hoping it is sparkplugs and not something else. When I first start the car the car runs with maybe 80% hp as normal but after about 30 mins pulling in first feels like I am in 3rd. Does anyone have an ideas as to what is causing this?
I appreciate any help.
03-10-2011, 05:14 PM
Hey guys,
Lately my 07 mustang gt feels like it has about 100 hp. It currently has 108k miles on it and I have yet to change spark plugs. I am hoping it is sparkplugs and not something else. When I first start the car the car runs with maybe 80% hp as normal but after about 30 mins pulling in first feels like I am in 3rd. Does anyone have an ideas as to what is causing this?
I appreciate any help.
Does it sound like it's missing?
Does it studder/fall on its face?
Any codes?
It's all about fuel, air, spark. Could be as simple as plugs and/or wires, or a clogged fuel filter, etc. Could be something harder to detect, like a broken valve spring.
03-10-2011, 05:33 PM
Does it sound like it's missing?
Does it studder/fall on its face?
Any codes?
It's all about fuel, air, spark. Could be as simple as plugs and/or wires, or a clogged fuel filter, etc. Could be something harder to detect, like a broken valve spring.
It doesn't shudder or stall.
It sounds the same however the sounds drones maybe 1 second longer than before to get to 6-7k rpm's to shift if I'm pedal to the floor.
I don't have a scanner regrettably.:(
I was going to just take it in on Saturday to the dealer and have them put new Plugs in it and hope it fixes the problem. (I've heard issues with removing spark plugs from my model year so I was going to avoid doing it myself)
Redondo Jon
03-10-2011, 05:42 PM
PM sent to you.
03-10-2011, 06:31 PM
I would start by doing all maintenance, then go from there.
03-10-2011, 09:17 PM
I have an SCT XCal3 that should be able to scan your car if you need.
03-10-2011, 09:47 PM
It's not the spark plugs. That won't make a 200hp difference. Even in limp mode if you have an engine code, it should feel faster than that. Unless you are exaggerating.
I would say clogged fuel system but that shouldn't change with heat. Maybe your MAF has just completely failed??? I have no idea, pull the code.
I can pull the code too, I have an LM1.
Shaolin Crane
03-10-2011, 11:21 PM
Limp mode will do that(my lady's 07 ran a 15 at irwindale when it went into limp mode), since there are only a few things that can readily cause limp mode start by checking the codes, but im gonna guess the 02's, throttle body(dirty), camshaft sensor, maf, coil packs or cam phasers. Mine was caused by the throttle body.
IIRC those are the most common items for random limo mode though the cam phasers are quite rare.
03-11-2011, 09:48 AM
A dirty/bad MAF can make everything run like crap.
Redondo Jon
03-11-2011, 02:02 PM
There ‘ya go. Tons of smart people with good ideas. I just don’t like seeing money spent at the dealer if it’s something easy enough for you to do yourself. My pm stands okay.
03-11-2011, 05:26 PM
Can someone explain to me how a scanner works? Like would it tell me if the throttle bottle is dirty like Shaolin suggested? Or better yet how Do i clean something like that? I am a bit afraid to work on it with it being my daily driver, Building a computer is no big deal its 500 or so bucks but a car is alot more.
- I rarely do more than ordinary stuff like Brakes and Oil changes so excuse my ignorance.
Shaolin Crane
03-11-2011, 05:35 PM
It will give a code sating something long the lines of air meter fault, which is either the MAF or the throttle body
03-11-2011, 09:45 PM
Can someone explain to me how a scanner works? Like would it tell me if the throttle bottle is dirty like Shaolin suggested? Or better yet how Do i clean something like that? I am a bit afraid to work on it with it being my daily driver, Building a computer is no big deal its 500 or so bucks but a car is alot more.
- I rarely do more than ordinary stuff like Brakes and Oil changes so excuse my ignorance.
A scan tool can be helpful. You won't see a check engine light if the code is pending. You could see it as a pending code though. You can also watch live data to see what the computer sees. Long term and short term Fuel trim readings can be a big help. O2 sensor and air flow readings are important to look at too.
The spark plugs can be a problem on those Fords. I read the Service Bulletin
From Ford. I tried to copy and paste it, but the program won't let me. The problem is the threads get carbon built up on the end. When you loosen them they get jammed up, and take out the threads or break off in the head if forced. The directions call for the motor to be cold. Loosen the plug just a hair and spray a cleaner in the hole. Let it sit awhile and work the plug back and forth.
I will try to print it, and scan it so I can post it.
03-11-2011, 11:59 PM
Can someone explain to me how a scanner works? Like would it tell me if the throttle bottle is dirty like Shaolin suggested? Or better yet how Do i clean something like that? I am a bit afraid to work on it with it being my daily driver, Building a computer is no big deal its 500 or so bucks but a car is alot more.
- I rarely do more than ordinary stuff like Brakes and Oil changes so excuse my ignorance.
There's nothing you can break that can be fixed. I'm living proof of that. Cars are nuts and bolts, don't be afraid.
03-12-2011, 10:46 AM
Thank you everyone for your help, I called a few dealers to see how much it would be to change the spark plugs out of curiosity.
$449.95 to change my spark plugs... FML.
Redondo Jon
03-12-2011, 01:24 PM
Thieves! Don’t do it man. I have confidence that you’ll get this sorted.
03-12-2011, 04:14 PM
You have a PM.
03-12-2011, 05:18 PM
I have the TSB printed. It is 11 pages long. I will scan and post the first couple pages Sunday. If you are going on the cruise Sunday, I can give you the copies.
List price on the plugs is 25 bucks each. Basic labor in the book is 2.0 hours- without problems.
03-12-2011, 06:43 PM
Here you go.
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