View Full Version : Best way to test coil?

01-15-2011, 10:29 PM
The one buck truck no starty no more; just turns and turns. I figrd it needed new plugs and wires anyway so I went and did that. No difference. I'mma wonder'n if it's the coil that went bye bye. So, what's the preferred safe way to test that? And for that matter, since I don't have a spark plug tester thing, what's the best way to safely test if there's spark at the plugs?

01-16-2011, 10:18 AM
Old plug in the wire, grounded to block/bracket. Or a screwdriver in the wire end. Hold the screwdriver about 1/4 inch off the block/bracket and see if it sparks. It will take two people though. I am at Frankie's and was planning on dropping off the video card. I'll give you a call.

Shaolin Crane
01-16-2011, 02:28 PM
Stick your tongue to it and have someone crank the car :)

01-17-2011, 01:03 AM
Stick your tongue to it and have someone crank the car :)

If you go this route, I really want to be there!

01-17-2011, 01:22 AM
If you go this route, I really want to be there!

I was thinking it would be an interesting experiment. I'll turn the key. Since Shaolin mentioned the idea, I nominate him for tounge duty.

Shaolin Crane
01-17-2011, 01:27 AM
I've already done it :huh: Its a right of passage sort of thing, now its your turn :)

01-17-2011, 01:29 AM
I've already done it :huh: Its a right of passage sort of thing, now its your turn :)

Yeah, but your like what early twenties and have no ability to feel left. I regard this as non-desirable. ;)

Shaolin Crane
01-17-2011, 01:38 AM
I see it as I have done the painstaking work of deadening myself already, this would be a good start for you :D
Or you could run your hands through hot sand :huh:
or spend the $3 on the spark plug tester thingamahbob

01-17-2011, 08:26 AM
Tape over the connections with duct tape. Then stick the probes of a multi-meter through the tape in such a way that the tape will hold the probe on the contact. Set the monitor on voltage mode and crank the car. I would make sure you know that the expected voltage should be first.

01-17-2011, 10:31 AM
I was thinking it would be an interesting experiment. I'll turn the key. Since Shaolin mentioned the idea, I nominate him for tounge duty.

Cant hurt, its only 20-30,000volts. Thats only 3,333 9volt batteries. :lmfao:

Shaolin Crane
01-17-2011, 11:16 AM
Cant hurt, its only 20-30,000volts. Thats only 3,333 9volt batteries. :lmfao:

Its not that bad, try an X9 to the leg lol

01-17-2011, 01:43 PM
Tape over the connections with duct tape. Then stick the probes of a multi-meter through the tape in such a way that the tape will hold the probe on the contact. Set the monitor on voltage mode and crank the car. I would make sure you know that the expected voltage should be first.

I'm dense. To what precisely should the read and black leads be connecting to? I'm assuming you mean like through the end of the coil -> distributor wire, but which lead goes to what?

01-17-2011, 04:21 PM
This is the simple way


My $200 voltmeter only goes to 999 volts. Hard to read spark output that should be 20K to 40K. We use a lab scope to read spark output.

If you got spark, spray some carb spray in the throttle body and see if it fires. I have replaced more fuel pumps in those trucks than coils.

Shaolin Crane
01-17-2011, 04:27 PM
^^^ Even doing it that way can cause an arc to your hand, been there done that.

01-17-2011, 04:31 PM
^^^ Even doing it that way can cause an arc to your hand, been there done that.

Well, that is why " I " have a spark tester. Ben will have to do it the redneck way.

Good point though! I try to put the screwdriver/plug in a spot that it will stay, so I don't have to hold it.

Shaolin Crane
01-17-2011, 06:13 PM
Well, that is why " I " have a spark tester. Ben will have to do it the redneck way.

Good point though! I try to put the screwdriver/plug in a spot that it will stay, so I don't have to hold it.

That would be enough to make Ben dance like beyonce if he got nailed

01-17-2011, 06:27 PM
I had a buddy who shorted it out his PA messing with a MSD coil. I wasn't there but I guess he was close to the body of the car or was leaning over the fender and it went through his board shorts he was probably wearing. Hahahahahaha

Shaolin Crane
01-17-2011, 06:45 PM
Thats why spark plugs suck :)

01-17-2011, 07:32 PM
True that!

01-17-2011, 07:43 PM
I'm dense. To what precisely should the read and black leads be connecting to? I'm assuming you mean like through the end of the coil -> distributor wire, but which lead goes to what?

Put the red wire through the tape on the plug wire or coil where the plug wire connects and put the black wire to ground on the car.

01-23-2011, 09:58 PM
Got meself a little inductive spark tester. It works by just placing the grove along with the wire and it picks up enough electromagnetic signal to flash with the spark. Discovered I wasn't getting anything from the coil, but it wasn't the coil, it was the control module. Replaced, done. Yeah.