View Full Version : Removing carbon from Al heads

02-14-2010, 02:22 PM
So I had to pull the heads off the harley to replace valve stem seals, and found about .020-.030" of carbon and coke build up in my combustion chambers and piston tops. Getting it off the flat top of a piston was easy enough, but what would be a good way to remove it from the c. chambers and exhaust ports? I read online about wire brushes (seams kind of agressive) and even oven cleaner (used to use lye solutions to etch aluminum propeller parts prior to dye pen inspection -don't really want to do that either). I know most of you car guys are running aluminum heads these days, so any firsthand experience would be appreciated.

02-14-2010, 02:39 PM
Sea Foam.


No wire brushes, don't even have to take the heads off. You bring it through the carbs (or into the intake through vaccuum). You let it sit a while. Fire it up and watch the clouds of nasty smelling smoke that come out your tail pipe. Just did it on an old truck and practically smoked out my neighborhood.

Follow the instructions and change your oil after using. You can also run it in your crank case oil before changing oil to dislodge sludge, etc. If you've had a big carbon buildup you will notice the difference.

02-14-2010, 03:24 PM
Too cool. I'll have to look around see if I can find some. Thanks Bud

02-14-2010, 05:34 PM
I used to just soak the parts in a tub of water for a couple days and the carbon would just turn to mush and wipe off. But that's me.:drink:

02-15-2010, 03:37 AM
Water huh? I'll try that. Hard to believe that stuff would soften just from lookin at it. At first glance it looks harder than a whore's heart. Thanks for the help guys, I'll let you know how it goes.

02-15-2010, 04:26 PM
Water huh? I'll try that. Hard to believe that stuff would soften just from lookin at it. At first glance it looks harder than a whore's heart. Thanks for the help guys, I'll let you know how it goes.

After it has soaked the coke with break off in clunks,