Originally Posted by Vettezuki
Are you a Trekkie? Reason I ask, I've heard the new movie is pretty stand alone and doesn't try to have that "Star Trek" vibe. I'll definitely see this, but can it live up to "Wrath of Kahn" . . .
It has the Star Trek "vibe". It's loyal to the cause. It is WELL WORTH seeing. Don't miss this. Anything I tell about the movie would be a spoiler. I am a Trekkie by some peoples standards. I was VERY happy with the movie.
The stand 'alone' on this is; the movie is very well done and the effects are top notch.
The acting is very very good--and the main characters follow the originals in the "things" that make them Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Ahura, Sulu and Checkoff. Young Spock and Bones are stand outs.