I know, I know. It's almost cliche... "ls1-rx7". But you know what? I haven't even tuned the car yet and it puts the biggest smile on my face since I felt boost with the old rotary. Torque @ idle is just too much fun. I'm not going to post details on the build here, they're too boring

Check out my build thread @ norotors.
Will get the car aligned at some point to corner weight it, etc. Should come in sub 2900# w/o driver /w full tank fuel. No A/C, but have P/S, stereo, power windows, full interior, etc. Should be putting out 350-400 hp @ the tires. I have all the emissions crap on it too (what a pain in the ass). 4:10 rear gear, TSP stage 2.5 heads, 224/228 +114 lsa cam, etc.
I have the itch so bad to just have a tuner tweak it a bit so I can stomp on it 100%, but I also have the itch to do it myself. I'm leaning toward the latter... just bought a new wideband O2 last week.
Here's a pic of it up near Malibu/Las Virgines about 2 weekends ago.
Anyway, got some vids of the car running.
First fire:
Walk around & exhaust clip:
Street driving & cruising: