So it's official. Lexy must hang up her ol keys until further notice. Ok hopefully in 3 months I'll be back behind the wheel but this lady doesn't belong behind a 455 horse powered car anymore with her belly stick'n out to the point she can't see her feet.
I'm gonna miss her but I truly don't trust myself anymore. Not only can I not move, but I can't focus enough to drive the car with the intensity that it requires (ok and that the husband requires) but I apparently can't see over the front of the hood anymore either which stems from the fact that I can't move.
We went to childbirth class tonight and apparently parked horribly (we drove separate b/c of work). Chin spoiler hang'n over the curb. I have done it once I admit, but this time I swear I was far enough away but then again I didn't check when I got out of the car. Someone (ahem ahem) had a cow. But again I brought that on b/c the poor buy can't sleep b/c of my new sleeping habits so he's a bit testy (Sorry all if he's a little out of sorts. I did it and I can't change anything until Jack gets here).
Sorry I haven't been on much lately but I'm sure Sean is keeping you all updated,...I hope
We're at 7 months and tick'n right along. Jack will be here sooner then we know it. Woohoo!
Take care all,