I was doing work for Selenium, a pro louspeaker manufacturer. I would cut apart the returned drivers that had blown up and I decided whether it was the customers fault, or the companys fault.
95% of the time it was the companys fault, glue failure typically. They try to save 50 cents using the cheaper glue and end up wasting $80 in metal parts for the larger woofers. Occasionally there was a head scratcher that took a while to diagnose. If there was ever a question, I would always credit the customer.
Here's a burnt VC.
When the VC is burnt evenly all the way around, theres no mechanical cause, it's a simple case of over powering. Customers fault. I would write reports describing the problems so that they could fix them, which I'm sure were all filed properly in boss's trash box.
But they haven't given me any work in over a month now! I'm hungry! So is Cambria.