I called BG tech again... because I like wasting my time apparently. It was actually entertaining to call them. I tell myself that I'm going to direct the conversation a certain way to pull a very specific answer out of them... and it never works.
Today I was trying to figure out how much of a jump I should make on the IFRs to lean out 1 AFR point, sounds doable right? Nope! He starts lecturing me on how I want to cruise at 12.8:1...
And how I should lean out my HSABs, that's right... high speed bleeds... to .043s!!! Remember, I had 33? HSABs which caused my piston to pop at 15:1 AFR and it took 28 HSABs to get my motor down to 12:1... now he wants me to install 43 HSABs!!!
Idiot!!! Why do I keep calling them?! How does that guy, Jeff, have a job there? How?! With this economy? I wouldn't trust him to change the oil on my Neon. He'd prob try to put some antifreeze in there to keep the motor running super cool!