Originally Posted by SeanPlunk
What's wrong with it?
It was having a SEVERE stumbling and halting problem. It seems to have been a constellation of issues, the single largest was probably a tank of really bad gas compounded by my infrequent driving once it started. Also the MAF was whack, an O2 going a little dodgy, the fuel filter/reg was probably a little crusty and so mostly. Mostly fuel system related. It still hesitates at WOT which *may* be fuel pump related, the only thing I haven't replaced in the fuel system really. Also, I managed break my clutch pedal connecting rod. That was replaced with the help of kdracer73, but we weren't able to bleed the clutch MC all the way I think. So sometimes the clutch engages fine, but sometimes not so fine. I think I might pay a visit to ls1z28 this Saturday to take another crack at bleeding the Clutch MC.
All in all it's actually running pretty stout, but given how it was I wouldn't call it reliable and want to make sure that one of the regulars can round up the group for heading out in the event I crap out on the way. I'd really like to go on this in the Vette. I might change my mind and just go with Chuckles again, he's a good cruise buddy.
As for the Vette, the next step I really need to take is to revise the headers and exhaust and have a full retune to take advantage of the new exhaust and address the the warm start idle hunting (always a problem). But altogether that's about $2,500 to do nicely as I'd like (custom hybrid tri-y/lt headers, etc.) so it'll have to wait. On the upside, I might have as much as 30WHP or more on the table given how much crazy back pressure I have with the stock manifolds and cats.