This door keeps you from going deeper into the caves and the bats nests
Everything closed,I got something to eat and was back at it early AM again.
Wonderful view of Mt Fuji from my room
Went back to Aokigahara for the other caves
These caves were originally used as storage for food
When law enforcement believes there is someone who didnt come back, or is missing, they bring out the cadaver dogs
Marked suicide areas, they request you not explore due to the density of the forest. It was very bright, but you can see how little sunlight comes through
I was hesitant to wander from the bark path cause I am terrible with directions and the GPS on my phone was not very accurate in the forest.
What's odd about this forest is the is NO soil, it's all lava rock. They call the trees "parasitic trees" cause they grow and feed off each other, and it's difficult to understand how the trees actually grow.
As I reached the last parked path, I could hear the cadaver dogs howling, they had found someone...I unfortunately could not find my way to where they were to see what.
Last of the caves before I left, this one I had to crawl and my hands and knees to get through
Finally back in Tokyo, pouring rain, I got a capsule to have a place for my shit while I wandered around all night before my flight.
The same chef who I ate with my first day told me to come back my last day. He again honored me with the gift of charging me for just the fish, gave me several keepsakes to take home, and a way to email their son to stay in touch
Until next time Japan...