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Old 12-28-2008, 12:22 PM   #41
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by Death Cult Aaronmageddon View Post
I just wanna argue with Vettezuki.

Would you rather go to the German model of an educational system? Where your educational future is decided before your even in your teens. In Germany there are a number of what we would call High Schools. However your performance in your formative years decides your placement in said schools. The highest of these is Gymnasium (not what you think of in English) and is for the most part your only way to a University. If I was judged by my grades up till the age of 13 I would be a garbage man and would not be going to college.

This being said, I also went to a private military school. I also graduated high school. And most importantly, I'm in my 11th year of college. Haha I crack me up
The French are even worse. No, I criticize this model precisely for the reasons you point out. It locks people into life patterns and career possibilities while they are still young adolescents. I think that's a mistake.

What I do like about the European system is
1- They don't assume everyone needs to go to college
2- Particularly in Germnay they have much better technical schools for kids who aren't on the University path, which is a good thing.

I just don't like the component of the State forcing people into any kind of a position.
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Old 12-28-2008, 03:14 PM   #42
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 View Post
I agree with you to a point. There are some kids who are smart but are just lazy and need to be pushed to succeed which I think is up to the parents and not the teachers. I was one of those kids. I was a great basketball player and could have gone on to play in college. However, I was lazy in high school (I never did homework) and my grades were just average so no scholarship for me. I haven't done badly for myself but I believe that is because I wasn't lazy when I went into the job market.
I'm not talking about kids that are just lacking motivation. I am talking about kids who come to school armed and looking to start trouble. Not the "bullies" that the press was so excited about, I mean the killers and dirt bags who couldn't care less about school, other than it being a good source for future drug deals.

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