I worked more on Sunday. I started by washing the block. Then I chamfered the oil holes on the new crank and washed it. After that I measured all the journals. I then moved back to the block and installed the main bearings and then the crank. Main bearing clearance is .0025. I'm also using a Milodon windage tray so I had to tap the threads for 2 and 4 main caps and then installed the studs for the kit.
After I finished installing the crank I started assembling the pistons and rods. I know I mentioned this back when I help Eric build his 331 but I hate polylocks! So I got all the rods and pistons assembled and then start file fitting the rings. The CHP kit came with prefit Mahle rings (Perfect Circle) and I must say I'm glad that I don't just slap them on and install the pistons. They ranged from .008 up to .016 gap. There instruction sheet recommends .024 - .026 for both the top and second compression rings. So I set the top rings at .026 and the second at .024.
I didn't have much time tonight but I did finish file fitting the last four rings and then installed them onto the pistons. I also measured the side clearance which was .002.
Here are the only pictures I took.