Originally Posted by Rodsknockin
I started long ago what are you going to do about ? Cry and run your mouth like an old women,just like howard.A pair of old women.
Go back and answer the points I brought up.I'm getting emails saying your running, backpedaling and flat just sidestepping every point I have brought up.There are over 7000 views and these guys are laughing at you. 
First off I really don't believe you are getting e-mails saying Bird is "running, backpedaling and flat just sidestepping every point" simply because you haven't brought up
one legitimate point. Just a lot of name-calling and whining in DB's defense. And the only person being laughed at is YOU. I wouldn't even know this dumbass thread existed if Bird hadn't sent me the link to get some laughs. BTW...don't bother responding with any of your "clever" comebacks. I have you on ignore, so I won't be reading or even seeing any of them.
And as to us having mods in our pocket...sorry, but no. I am friendly with ONE mod on CF and if I screw up he will NOT be going to bat for me. As to DC, I'm still banned from there and the only one 1/2 way friendly with me is Patrick, the owner. And he won't let me back. At VM I am friendly with a couple of the mods but the owner there doesn't care much for me either. So all that "mods in the back pocket" when referring to us is BS. I can name at least 3 mods who ARE in DB's back pocket, and anyone who has watched the thread locking knows exactly who they are.