Death Cult, you're biased and crazy. The Viper is a bad mother f*cker, so is the Challenger, Cuda... whatever etc. My Dodge
Neon is a piece of sh*t. I'd trust it about as far as I could throw it. If I had to rely on one of my cars to make it across the country I'd take the Vette first, my dirtbike second, and if I was able to travel along the ocean on one of my jet skiis I'd take either one of them before I took the Neon.
You can't make definitive statements like "MOPAR is by far the best, just so everyone knows." Unless you're prepared to back it up. And you can't. BTW did I mention that my Neon was up in the air the other day? PS pressure switch failure. And two weeks before that for the O2 sensor, and the AC system recently took a sh*t. I'm going to have fun diagnosing that.
If you want to say something like MOPAR is one of the leading manufacturers of performance American cars, well you might get away with it. But you think that you can justify one company being "the best" by pulling up a few examples of decent accomplishments that the company has made over the last half a century? Give me a break.
You're trying to talk down on Sean's Cobra in the other thread because it's a Ford?
Granted most of the Ford's from the 80s sucked, and everyone that I've ever known with a Taurus has had a transmission overhaul, but the Cobra is a bad ass car. I'm guessing next you'll try to find something wrong with the Ford GT. Every car has to be looked at individually, I like Chevy, but I'd NEVER buy an HHR. And I love Vipers, but my DODGE neon is a POS.