Originally Posted by SexyLxy
But the proof of service and court fees were all included in our demand. I don't know, so confused.
The judgment is the only thing you can actually enforce. Nothing matters until you see that.
I had a court case at the same courthouse. I have a copy of the minutes that actually say "full judgement for me + costs". It turns out, the minutes were later modified to say "half judgement for me + no costs", and then the judgment was mailed out. I thought I had won my entire case for a week, but the judgment that came in the mail said otherwise. The court explained it as a clerical error that was later adjusted, then the judgment was mailed out.
If that's not what happened to you, the "process service costs" and the "investigation costs" were paid to you seperately, so you may be making $1000 for your investigator's work.
Wait until you see the judgment in the mail.