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Old 11-16-2011, 11:04 AM   #11
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by blackax View Post
That pick a part is a little dirty but that have a lot more cool cars/trucks.
It's also not a Pick Your Part. Which I don't care about . . except for the 50% off part.

Ron, for reference what does a typical complete 5.0 from an Exploder cost at the Ontario Pick a Part?

I can also check my personal favorite, LKQ Corp., but they're a bit more expensive has they're already fully separated and ready to pick up on crates, but it would be the engine, trans, computer and harness. I'll have to check to see what they're running, but probably out of range for this project.
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Old 11-16-2011, 11:06 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Vettezuki View Post
It's also not a Pick Your Part. Which I don't care about . . except for the 50% off part.

Ron, for reference what does a typical complete 5.0 from an Exploder cost at the Ontario Pick a Part?

I can also check my personal favorite, LKQ Corp., but they're a bit more expensive has they're already fully separated and ready to pick up on crates, but it would be the engine, trans, computer and harness. I'll have to check to see what they're running, but probably out of range for this project.
I think they are about 250 ish (with no warranty)
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Old 11-16-2011, 01:51 PM   #13
enkeivetteenkeivette is offline
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I hate to be a negative nancy, I'm usually of the just fucking do it mindset, but you may want to weigh your options.

Pick your part is getting way too expensive and becoming not even worth it. I went it for a jeep fender, which was listed at $40. Well the listing was out of date, it was really $50, then I had to pay a $20 core fee, then another $15 for a CA recycle fee ...ya. So it was $85 for the fender... plus tax. And by the time you've gotten yourself all cut and dirty, you'll pay whatever they ask up front.

We pulled a 4.10 LSD Exploder rear end for my friend's Ranger... that turned out to be like $200+ somehow... after all their bullshit math.

It's going to be a lot of work to pull the motor, and you'll have to drag your own hoist across the yard.

And then hopefully the motor which you made sure was freely spinning... doesn't have any lil head or block cracks or glazed cylinder walls.

I would definitely check craigslist and ebay for local listings first.
I <3 forced induction.
Old 11-16-2011, 02:36 PM   #14
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post
I hate to be a negative nancy, I'm usually of the just fucking do it mindset, but you may want to weigh your options.

Pick your part is getting way too expensive and becoming not even worth it. I went it for a jeep fender, which was listed at $40. Well the listing was out of date, it was really $50, then I had to pay a $20 core fee, then another $15 for a CA recycle fee ...ya. So it was $85 for the fender... plus tax. And by the time you've gotten yourself all cut and dirty, you'll pay whatever they ask up front.

We pulled a 4.10 LSD Exploder rear end for my friend's Ranger... that turned out to be like $200+ somehow... after all their bullshit math.

It's going to be a lot of work to pull the motor, and you'll have to drag your own hoist across the yard.

And then hopefully the motor which you made sure was freely spinning... doesn't have any lil head or block cracks or glazed cylinder walls.

I would definitely check craigslist and ebay for local listings first.
Good advice. That's one thing I like about LKQ Corp., you pick your shit up, pay for it, 90 day warranty. I'll check to compare prices
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Old 11-16-2011, 02:36 PM   #15
Shaolin CraneShaolin Crane is offline
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Yards provide hoists. If we have to hone it and ring it then so be it, another $40 for rings and $20 for bearings. If they want a core give them the piece of shit 4 banger.
Originally Posted by Bruce Lee
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Old 11-16-2011, 03:07 PM   #16
Throttle CrazyThrottle Crazy is offline
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Originally Posted by Shaolin Crane View Post
Yards provide hoists. If we have to hone it and ring it then so be it, another $40 for rings and $20 for bearings. If they want a core give them the piece of shit 4 banger.
They wont take the 4 banger as a good core. The block has been ventilated by a rod which wanted out.
Old 11-16-2011, 03:42 PM   #17
Shaolin CraneShaolin Crane is offline
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We'll hide it then. Bondo does great things.
Originally Posted by Bruce Lee
Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life. Do not be concerned with escaping safely — lay your life before him

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Old 11-16-2011, 05:21 PM   #18
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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LKQ Corp. is running about $1k, including computer and harness. The engine itself is warranted, but that's a bit much.
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Old 11-16-2011, 08:35 PM   #19
enkeivetteenkeivette is offline
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That's ridiculous for unreliable 200hp.
I <3 forced induction.
Old 11-16-2011, 09:02 PM   #20
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post
That's ridiculous for unreliable 200hp.
It's probably fairly reliable at least. And they are very easy/cheap to make substantial power on. Not bad when an LS is still in the $2,500 range for a half decent one.
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