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Who here believes that Rods Knockin is a fraud? 27 93.10%
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Old 01-06-2009, 01:33 PM   #121
94cobra69ss39694cobra69ss396 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
Nope your wrong. I "expose" Internet bullying and stalking.
This coming from a guy that had his kids insulted and his parenting questioned and now has a new buddy.jeez
I'm not wasting anymore time with you,move on "boy".
Again with the insults. Just proving you are a fraud. How does insulting me by calling me "boy" help you expose anyone?
Old 01-06-2009, 01:35 PM   #122
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
Nope your wrong. I "expose" Internet bullying and stalking.
This coming from a guy that had his kids insulted and his parenting questioned and now has a new buddy.jeez
I'm not wasting anymore time with you,move on "boy".
So you are saying you don't think DB can fight his own "battles". I wonder how DB feels being called a sissyboy???

As to stalking....DB is all over every internet auto forum, so I don't think any stalking charge would ever hold up. Unless maybe HE is stalking those bimbos at Hooters.
Old 01-06-2009, 01:47 PM   #123
94cobra69ss39694cobra69ss396 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
Nope your wrong. I "expose" Internet bullying and stalking.
This coming from a guy that had his kids insulted and his parenting questioned and now has a new buddy.jeez
I'm not wasting anymore time with you,move on "boy".
Also, I didn't have my kids insulted or my parenting skills questioned. Dep and big_G were speaking in regards to society in general and not specifically to me. I just didn't take it that way at first and after more communication discovered that.

One last thing on the "boy" insult. Does that mean that you are a man and that I should aspire to be you when I grow up?
Old 01-06-2009, 02:22 PM   #124
BRUTAL64BRUTAL64 is offline
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 View Post

One last thing on the "boy" insult. Does that mean that you are a man and that I should aspire to be you when I grow up?
Having met you, I'd say your standards are already WAY higher than our new "boy" here.
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Old 01-06-2009, 03:05 PM   #125
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Originally Posted by BRUTAL64 View Post
Having met you, I'd say your standards are already WAY higher than our new "boy" here.
X2. You have nothing to be concerend about with your maturity. The other guy is the one that should worry.
Old 01-06-2009, 05:46 PM   #126
mdbelangermdbelanger is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
I don't have an issue with the truth but some of you slant the truth to meet your needs and figure if you say it enough times it will become the truth. Misinformation....he was off on some things but he is young and you guys could have chosen a better way to correct his misinformation than you did.
I have a list and its a long list of links of misinformation. I had a feeling that some day this would have to be proved. For those of us that are learning all that is needed, no one needs to filter thru this junk on a daily basis. These folks that have corrected these problems have saved major $$$$. If these so_called bad guys didn't single out D_B for the wrong he did to RED all this would have been washed away.

Read this Thread: Really read it and see the arrogance. There are alot of folks and a Mod that that need to do some apoligizing.


In post #1 the link was sanitized by a Mod.

And I am to assume are protecting the truthfull.

12-01-2008, 07:43 PM #4
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I spoke up in the other thread. This one will probably get locked too.
There has not been a lapse in communication between Mike and I, and he knows that. Come to think of it 3 emails have gone back and forth between Mike and I just today...one because of these very threads.

Public forum bashing is petty, as is accusing someone of scamming them.

Now I'll start with miss information.

Guess an estimate of what this would cost$$$$ if not corrected.


Defend D_B on these two links. I have no interest in debating this with you just to educate. When your done with these I'll give you a few more to "analize"

Lets see how long you want to put up being the "GREAT DEFENDER"


Last edited by mdbelanger : 01-06-2009 at 05:48 PM. Reason: D_D corrected to D_B
Old 01-07-2009, 12:01 AM   #127
Irish_TurdIrish_Turd is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
You guys would still be there today if you would have handled things better instead of having to go to Digital Corvettes and showing your asses over there and getting banned and then having to start your own forum because you don't (as a group) play well with others. Twin Turbo needed a site where he could be boss and be surrounded by yes guys ==== "Vettemod". Guys sign up but find usually less than 20 guys per day visit VM and its very boring.
C'mon mister Green, tell us how you really feel!

Is that why JC making z06vette.com to seperate them from the "typical prude corvetteforum owner"


edit: I found some more....
Way OT - Recommend a good 1st Gen Vette Forum


The AK Forum Forum Index :: General Discussion

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:02 am Post subject: Way OT - Recommend a good 1st Gen Vette Forum


Can anyone recommend a good first generation (54-61) Corvette forum. I came into some 'vette parts I need to turn into gun money....Thanks!
I am the rusted fender of the American Dream.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:24 pm Post subject:


www.corvetteforum.com. There used to be a lot of experience there, but the moderation turned to shit and a lot of the most knowledgable people bailed. There's a guy named "DurangoBoy" on the 3rd gen forum that pretty much single handedly killed it. You could still give the 1st gen section a shot, but last time I checked it was a ghost town.

www.digitalcorvettes.com is really where it's at now. I don't spend as much time with vettes as I used to, but that's where most of the CF expats ended up.
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The AK Forum :: View topic - Way OT - Recommend a good 1st Gen ... -www.corvetteforum.com. There used to be a lot of experience there, ... There's a guy named "DurangoBoy" on the 3rd gen forum that pretty much single ...
http://www.theakforum.net/phpBB2/vie...=asc&highlight... - 37k -
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Old 01-07-2009, 03:15 AM   #128
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by mdbelanger View Post

Now I'll start with miss information.

Guess an estimate of what this would cost$$$$ if not corrected.


Defend D_B on these two links. I have no interest in debating this with you just to educate. When your done with these I'll give you a few more to "analize"

Lets see how long you want to put up being the "GREAT DEFENDER"

Notice how when corrected, DB makes the guy with the correct information out to be the "bad guy."
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Old 01-07-2009, 04:21 AM   #129
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by Rodsknockin View Post
Nope your wrong. I "expose" Internet bullying and stalking.
This coming from a guy that had his kids insulted and his parenting questioned and now has a new buddy.jeez
I'm not wasting anymore time with you,move on "boy".
When are you going to turn yourself in?
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Old 01-07-2009, 04:57 AM   #130
RodsknockinRodsknockin is offline
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Irish Turd.....are you sure your copying your links correctly ? I went to the links you provided and I'm not sure what point your trying to make. 2 of them were about guns ?

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