Originally Posted by Vettezuki
I think Throttle Crazy calls it the automotive equivalent blue balls.
Sorry could'nt find my crayons!

"Blue balls derive their name not from the sorrow their condition inspires, but from the color of your testicles. That's right, depending on the severity of the condition your balls really can take on a bluish tinge, although technically it's not your testicles themselves but the skin of the scrotum that turns blue."
"What causes this condition is vasocongestion, which is another way of saying more blood is going into an area than is coming out(
Back Pressure). During an extended period of foreplay the brain sends out signals along the parasympathetic nerve system to the neurovascular bundles leading into the genital area. These signals cause a chemical chain reaction that ultimately causes the smooth muscles of the artery walls to relax, allowing blood to flood in. At the same time the veins become constricted, leading to a net increase in blood pressure(
Back Pressure). This is not a bad thing. Vasocongestion is essential for penile tumescence and ultimately that raging hard-on you know and love."
"But if orgasm doesn't occur, no signals are sent through the nerve system. The arteries don't close, the veins don't open and blood flow remains restricted. After a while, the stagnant blood becomes de-oxygenated and as you might remember from your grade 6 science class, blood lacking in oxygen becomes darker. Seen from outside the skin it appears blue - hence blue veins and in this case, blue balls."