Originally Posted by 2001GT302
We got a map for the run?
Following the 2 is pretty straight forward, leading to the 138 and then on to the 15, pretty tough to get lost unless you do it on purpose.
I hate the part down 138, it's just more freeway. Lone Pine Canyon is much more fun but you really need to mind your P's&Q's getting to it as you have to travel ever so briefly through a residential neighborhood.
Check it out on the map, dead straight and fairly steep grade to a 90° left at the bottom, makes for some fun. Leads right down to 138 with gas and food close at hand.
Like it matters, I usually turn around and run back 2 anyway, Glendale is closer to home than Ontario.

Two bulls are standing on top of a mountain. The younger one says to the older one: "Hey pop, what's say we run down there and fuck one of them cows". "No son" the older one says,"Lets walk down and fuck 'em all".