Hi guys,
-I signed up for this event, an autocross
-My gf is signed up with her ~300-330 whp sequential turbo rotary rx7 (we're having a v8 vs. rotary contest

, we're gonna try and make one run swapping driver/car to see how we fare... her car actually runs pretty strong)
-It's at El Toro airfield in Irvine, CA
-The Porsche Club of America (PCA) Orange Coast Region (OCR... these guys are organized) is putting it on... here is their
-Check out this LS6 powered FRC (fixed roof coupe) C5... supposed to be 2700 lbs, 380ish whp... sticky tires... beast:
-More info on the
-I know this is last minute notice, you should expect that from me by now

-Should be lots of fun. Check out the drivers list.... all non Porsche cars are classed as "X"
Here are the X class cars, go to the top to see what else is going on
-I think they cap the total number of cars around 100 cars... so get signed up right away!! They are already at 90+ cars right now
-We should get 3-5 runs for the whole day, and you have to "work the course" (pick up cones, etc.) for a bit.
-Would be fun to meet some of the other Motorgen/car guys around here