July Monthly Motorgen Meet at Nick's Burger in Fullerton.
Here is the link with details! The meet starts at 6:30p.m. A great mix of domestic, import, and euro. Everyone is welcome - the food is good and it's a great group of people! The Gods have conspired against us this month so we're a week behind and we're just doing a good old fashioned meet this month without a cruise. We'll be back to the normal meeting date of the 2nd Saturday (August 8th) next month and we'll be cruising again!
The address for Nick's is:
Nick's Burger
1712 W. Orangethorpe Ave
Fullerton, CA 92833
For anyone that hasn't seen the media for the Angeles Crest thread from last month
it is located here. Also, I was out at Mitsubishi Owners Day on the 11th (great event, very well organized), and
pictures of that can be found here.
I hope to see you all out at the meet. It's a great group and we always have a blast. Bring your friends and come see a bunch of cool cars from all makes and models