Ford Extended Warranty
So, yesterday our warranty card arrived for the Edge. I put it in my purse and thought nothing of it. This morning, I took it out to take it off the paper and put in the wallet.
At the bottom of the car it reads "$100 deductible applies." Just about 2 days ago I was asking Seanplunk, "Hey, is there any deductibles or things that resemble a co-pay if you have a warranty issue?" Both of us agreed that no there shouldn't be.
Long behold, I get this card and in plain site my question was confirmed. Yup, there is a deductible. So I called the dealership where we purchased the warranty from and inquired about it.
Yes in fact it's true and the $100 deductible applies for each visit no matter how many issues you have.
This sounds kinda this pretty typical for a warranty/extended warranty? I've never heard of such a thing. I just thought you bring in the car and vwola, it's fixed. We've never had a car with a warranty so this is all new to us. Please help.