Originally Posted by enkeivette
So I made it almost the entire week in SD without getting hit, but come Thursday night I went outside to get something out of my Neon and guess what I saw?
I was parked in this tight space on the street with a silver Beamer. I had to get real close to his bumper to avoid blocking a driveway. When I went outside later that night there was a large truck in his spot, I thought to myself, how the hell did he fit there? And did he tap my front bumper attempting to do so. Well yes, he did. There is a hitch receiver imprint on the front of my bumper and the cheap paint chipped away accordingly.
So I called the cops, they tried to avoid writing a report, but I kindly persuaded them to.  One of the cops said to me "It's pretty obvious that it was probably him." We all thought that he didn't realize that he did it which is why he left his truck parked there. So I left him a note, and he hasn't called back. I notified my insurance company...
But yeah, where should I go from here? Who do I call to get this guys info? If he doesn't call back by this weekend. I'm going to follow up with the police dept and attempt to have them file hit and run charges and then sue this guy if necessary.
The worst part about it, 20 mins before I saw this I sent an e-mail setting up a time for some dude to come and check out my car. He's offering a 98 GSXR to trade, I'm considering, but I think I'd rather have the cash and a newer R6. If I don't want to trade he will pay for it straight up.
Hello Mr. Adam,
Well it sounds like you've got a Cobra vs. Lexus situation on your hands. Remember back to last February and you're got the same situation.
With that situation, the car that was parked directly next to the cobra clearly hit Seans car but the lady clearly denied having any involvement and so on. We called police, but the loss happened on private property so that was a no go. So we managed to get all of her information and proceed to start the process. We opened claims with both companies and Farmers (claimant insurance) had to back her insd statement (which was "I didn't hit a car") so the next thing we knew was we got a denial letter in the mail from Farmers insurance. With our insurance, we had to option to get the vehicle repaired using our policy but our deductible applied (normal procedure) and then they would take the file to arbitration (inner company court system...takes forever!) So our next course of action was to file court paperwork. Long story made short, we won the case, the judge laughed at the claimant, and a year....yes a year later our case if finally closed with our insurance company.
So.....for your situation, first let me add that with any parked and unoccupied losses, THEY SUCK! You can take action but it takes forever, and you have to weigh, is it really worth it? Yes, you can probably figure out who the registered owner is of the vehicle (plate check) but you still don't know who the driver is (also legally responsible).
Depending on who your insurance company is, they might be willing to attempt contact with the ROCV (registered owner claimant vehicle) for 30 days, and if they can't or don't get any anyone they might be willing to waive you deductible and go after the ROCV. If they don't....your trade might be worth it or if you want to go through the process of the court system, there is that option but documentation is critical. The judge is going to want to see the height of your damages, the height of the tow hitch, (to line up damages) since the claimant is probably going to deny. I'm assuming that wasn't done at the scene...not something you normally think about.
It honestly depends how pissed you are...and how much time you want to put into the process.
This all happened with the neon right?