Originally Posted by DJ Dep
And here is proof of a SECOND mod in DB's pocket:
"Guys, Matt is taking care of the problem. He will be posting again soon."
That was made by moderator Crossram just before he locked the thread. He is obviously living in Fantasyland, as DB hasn't made one move to "take care of the problem". Hell, DB is trying to turn things around and say that Red received the heads and is trying to rip him off!!! 
You're damn right that's PROOF enough for me! I either was unaware of his debt to red69 or I didn't recall it. Have y'all noted in the above locked thread how I asked very nicely about DB ... and that nobody else got out of line either ... then this "crossram" mod locks it .. I don't know him ... I don't get in trouble at CF either ... never been banned opr time out ... but that mod's action is BS ... he needs to be furloughed ... better yet, keelhauled & discharged!
I've corrected DB on his errant advice a time or two ... I doubt I ever got into namecalling ... but there's been probably a hundred times I've winced at his goofy advice ... then wince again when I read he posts an even goofier question ... and that continues ad naseum. After I started the above CF thread, someone emailed me & directed me to this MG thread. I read this entire ~ 46 page saga ... WHEW! Then I see here at MG that CF locked my thread at CF. I went to it & read & verified. I registered here & I reply here.
I notice red69 asked DB to just send him DB's heads regardless off steamer hole etc... I don't see DB offer to comply.
This bar brawl subforum seems a good place ... I'm not fond of argue/fight/bitch but there needs to be a place to say what they clearly quash at CF ... and it's quite true about CF having too many posts/advice by those who don't know seem to know squat.
I am curious, about the "aluminum vortec" heads that DB contracted to supply ... are they modded GM LT1/LT4 reverse cool heads ... or are they aftermarket ?
Best advice for DB was posted WAY earlier by someone in this thread: STFU & Pay The Man ... and do it yesterday! And CF has really pissed in my flakes for locking my thread that CLEARLY was mild & bland. Oh, me thinks "crossram" mod should have sent me an email with his brief explanation & reasoning for locking my mild thread where nobody misbehaved.
As for the roller lifter conversion issue ... I had a "small" role in it. I had already gained a fair amount of knowledge of the process ... then I heard of the instructions for sale ... then DB offered copies for free ... I asked for them & I got them. They really didn't tell me anything I hadn't already learned but they were well-organized. I dunno if they're copyrighted or not ... but in retrospect, I was wrong to ask for & wrong to accept them. I apologize. The conversion is an interesting option; but I've gone no further than acquiring some parts.
You know, I RARELY ask a question on CF except to help me understand an OPs original Q ... VAST majority of what I post is reasonable advice on repair/rebuild/mild performance to sbc. In other words, I gain about diddly squat zero from being at CF ... except some entertainment & a bit more feelgood from trying to help someone. I've been at CF for about 7 years... & after helping more than a few folks ... they lock up a damn
benign thread of mine? I just dunno? ... maybe I don't help much at all. Oh well wtf.
I don't know red69 & I don't know DB & I don't know crossram
Regardless ... DB/Matt you'd better pay red69.