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Old 01-12-2009, 06:53 AM   #451
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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So DB is tieing the knot. I wonder if his bride-to-be knows he's a crook and a liar? Maybe he will use some of the presents he gets to convert them into cash so that he can pay back what he owes for the heads?

I'm not holding my breath on that.
Old 01-12-2009, 09:53 AM   #452
SeanPlunkSeanPlunk is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
So DB is tieing the knot. I wonder if his bride-to-be knows he's a crook and a liar? Maybe he will use some of the presents he gets to convert them into cash so that he can pay back what he owes for the heads?

I'm not holding my breath on that.
If that's true I'm sure he'd get enough money to cover it, hopefully a full refund will be coming quick.
Old 01-12-2009, 12:02 PM   #453
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Originally Posted by SeanPlunk View Post
If that's true I'm sure he'd get enough money to cover it, hopefully a full refund will be coming quick.
That's the latest poop posted at CF after someone got all worried that they hadn't seen DB flooding the forum with useless posts.
Old 01-14-2009, 06:26 AM   #454
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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There was a question earlier about CF mods being in DB's back pocket. Here is a thread that gives ASOLUTE PROOF that at least one mod has taken sides and is a DB supporter. Note post #5 in this thread:


"If you turn this thread into something other than what it started out as I will be handing out one way tickets to I Can't Post Ville"

The thread started with an adulation post of the great and wonderful DB. But when people started posting legitimate questions about DB's dealings, the moderator stepped in and threatened to SILENCE anyone who did anything but worship DB. If that's not being in DB's back pocket, I don't know what is. And believe me, that's not the only mod who feels that way.

The thread was locked after people kept asking asking why "These other guys prob had what was coming to them!".
Old 01-14-2009, 11:41 AM   #455
saudivettesaudivette is offline
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Hi guys, I just found this site, or more correctly, this thread. I don't really have as much time as I'd like to read and post on forums as it is, so please forgive me if I don't post often.

But, after losing two hours of my life reading this thread from front to back, I felt compelled to join so I could add something.

Matt, I first had dealings with you a few years ago when you volunteered to buy and send me a Hydroboost unit. That was pretty much the first I really had to do with anyone 1 to 1 on the forum (CF) and I was pretty impressed that you jumped in straight away to help me.

I would have posted this in CF but chose not to for two reasons: the first reason is that you're in the naughty corner and couldn't answer anything I say and the second reason is that I would be sent to the naughty corner!

Anway, I'm not going to rip you a new arsehole and I already actually spoke about this very same thing some time ago, but I do have to agree with the general sentiment of the so called "VM boys". Originally I saw you as a very helpful guy on CF but now, even I can see that you jump in and answer shit loads of threads that you know bugger all about. As of yet, your incorrect information hasn't caused (that I'm aware of) injury or even death to a CF member but mate you really need to wind your neck in and if you DON'T know the answer to a posted question, then don't answer it as if you do know the answer. If you have an opinion or a guess, say that when you post - don't answer everything as if it were gospel.

Myself included, we all know "stuff", some more than others and unless you're trained to be an expert in a certain field, there's certainly no shame in NOT being an expert. If your "friend" Matt who posted earlier is utterly honest with what he posted before, that still doesn't make you a Corvette guru - I too have done charity work but it doesn't make me a Vette expert. I've spent days at a time, living in a tent in the pissing down rain, lugging a rifle with me everywhere, maintaining and launching the mighty F111C and even that doesn't make me a Vette expert. In the big Corvette picture, I know nothing and will happily admit that I've asked some serious dumb-arsed questions! Nothing wrong with being "normal" Matt.

If you DO post something incorrect and someone calls you on it, what's wrong with saying "sorry, I fucked up?". For some time, I thought you were being hammered unfairly but of late, reading most of your posts is like "what's he going to come out with NOW?" Add to what V-Twin said before about thanking individuals on behalf of other members and I think you have some sort of superiority complex going on and it's actually bloody annoying.

But, what really prompted me to join and post this ramble is the "case of the missing heads". Mate, for what it's worth, you have lost all respect I had for you. Obviously I've not been privvy to all your emails back and forth etc but this is what I see: You were paid for some parts, you kept that money but (for whatever reasons) the buyer doesn't have the parts. Within that time, you've bought something (furnace) for your own comfort.

Yep, no doubt it's bloody freezing where you are but what would you have done if you didn't have the money when your furnace crapped out? What was wrong with a couple of small electric heaters (instead of over $4k) so that you could pay what you owe? Failing that, regardless of what you said about a loan against your uninsured Corvette, how about selling the wheels? The serp setup? Stereo? Probably all stuff you desperately don't want to lose, but no doubt similar to the money Red didn't want to lose! Unless I was fucked up in hospital or something, I would move heaven and earth to pay up if I had a debt like that. You're looking for a career? How about looking for some immediate Benjamins? Nothing wrong with working at a fast food place to raise some cash. Work for the council patching up holes in the road etc, ANYTHING! Posting a gazillion times a day on various forums while waiting for a Career to drop into your lap is bullshit! If nothing else, where is your dignity?

If nothing else, you will lose more and more of your supporters over at CF and if you don't cough up the readies soon, you could wind up having legal action taken against you, which for years, will stick with you like shit to a blanket. I actually think you're lucky in that no one's come visiting you with a Louisville Slugger, yet!

Seriously mate, you've lost your cred

Where's your dignity and self respect
Old 01-14-2009, 11:59 AM   #456
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Well said Saudi and welcome to Motorgen.
As to DB losing followers at CF...I doubt that will happen. He is protected by the mods. He has them convinced there is a vast conspiracy against him and they will ban or moderate anyone who even hints at criticism of DB. You can post endless threads thanking and praising DB for being so helpful and kind and wonderful, but post one time about him not paying his debts and you are threatened by a mod with moderation and banning. He has the mods and admins at CF baffled with bullshit...plain and simple.
Old 01-14-2009, 12:12 PM   #457
BRUTAL64BRUTAL64 is offline
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Hey, Wayne welcome here.

That is the longest post I've ever seen you write. I've been hangin with the Motorgen Dudes for over a year now. They are pretty good mates. It's too bad you can't be here for some of the runs.

How's the Vette doing? The last thing I read was that it was running.

I haven't been able to log on to Vettemod AGAIN. According to my computer, Vettemod's wed site does not exist.
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Old 01-14-2009, 05:22 PM   #458
mybad79mybad79 is offline
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Hey Saudi - welcome

You lost two hours of your life reading all this ??? How long did it take you to type all that ??? I agree with you 100% but holy crapola, I've never seen you post a reply this long....

I'll let the IT dept. know about the problem.... although the site seems to be fine, at least for me ... been fine all day....
Old 01-14-2009, 05:29 PM   #459
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I could not log on to vettemod untill this afternoon. all others ok.
Old 01-14-2009, 07:29 PM   #460
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Hey Wayne. Glad you joined up here, and told your version. I feel the same way. When DB first joined, I tried to help him understand the problem. I asked him in many ways to just admit when he was wrong, or refrain from posting "Guesses." I REALLY tried to help him adjust and fit in. For my help, all I recieved was a lengthy, long nasty letter telling me off. One of the most NASTY e-mails I ever have recieved. There is a side to this "boy" that I have seen, and it's not the "Personna" he "Portrays" online.
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