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Old 12-29-2008, 01:32 PM   #331
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
No response about a title loan for his Vette. Is it worth less than $770? Or maybe he doesn't own it???

The simple answer is that I dropped the insurance when I put it in the garage for the winter. No place will loan money on a car title that doesn't have insurance.
Old 12-29-2008, 02:06 PM   #332
SexyLxySexyLxy is offline
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Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post
I've heard enough. I'm out.
Dito! Peace!
Old 12-29-2008, 02:18 PM   #333
RodsknockinRodsknockin is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
I'm joining BRUTAL64 in mode.
That will be the day.
Old 12-29-2008, 02:22 PM   #334
SeanPlunkSeanPlunk is offline
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Originally Posted by mrharris32 View Post
Obviously I'm "new" to your community. I am not much for forums, never have been. As an IT man by day I spend my share of time behind the bright light but never really found it worthwhile to spend time "posting" on, or for that matter wasting so much time assessing other peoples lives. In the real world those people are usually women who watch Soaps, gossip, and live off their husbands income.

I've read all 33 pages of crap here and am amazed, is this what people are spending their time on?

Now, for the biggie that should spark another 30 pages of wasted time and cloaked bitching from guys who wrench on their pet projects and have spent so much time reading GM tech data they believe to be "master mechanics". My name is Matt, and I am a personal friend of DB/Matt...I have been for many many years. Before you fall off your chair I stumbled on this thread during a conversation with DB, he simply recommended it as a good read.

I was there the day this man signed up for CF, he was in MY shop on one of the terminals we used to diagnose or obtain tech data for repairs. DB is not some half ass sitting behind a computer...this man has put in hundreds upon hundreds of hours turning wrenches. He was my partner for 4 years at a classic car restoration shop where we put together everything from a 77 Charger to an 87 Toyota Pickup...an interesting restore based on the truck shown in the movie "back to the future". The truck belonged to a young man who died, his brother wanted the truck as his brother did...DB being the asshole that he is spent hundreds of hours, 18 hour shifts, etc working on this vehicle so it would be done in time for a very special memorial service. What did he get paid? NOTHING.

Christmas last year we got a plea from a father wanting to give his daughter a vehicle on Christmas, a 99 Tahoe that had belonged to her deceased mother....a bent piston rod and severe bearing damage. This was a paying customer that found us about 7 days before Christmas...one that we provided a beautiful christmas to due to working non-stop for 3 days without a break. DB was there for all of it, sliced up, knuckle busted and still kicking for the sake of a young girl with a dead mother...we made a measly $750 on the job including the cost of parts/machine work.

I've seen the man build 2 trucks from spare parts that performed beautifully, I've witnessed and worked with him on hundreds of brake jobs, clutch replacements, tranny rebuilds, complete wiring (try doing a full rewire on a 65 Dodge A100 sometime)....you name it, DB and I did it together.

He's one of the most stand up guys I've ever known, guaranteed to be loyal 100% of the time....I can't count the number of times I depended on him when nobody else was willing to help.

With that said get off the dual alternators and dual washer systems, I've seen both with my own eyes and they're great. Who cares really? The dual alternator hurts nothing and the dual washer system is just neat....it's for FUN, it's unique. Lighten up...really. It may not be necessary but DB isn't building track cars.

The crap with the heads...for starters it's between 2 men, not a bunch of people who have nothing better to do on a forum. The heads to be sent were put in care of a machine shop who may or may not have fulfilled it's obligation. We've both used the shop in the past with mixed results, typically they turn out truly quality product and it's worth the wait.

Bottom line is you all know NOTHING about DB, the man gives away more auto parts than you probably have in your shop, if he had the money or credit to refund he would've done it. Apparently none of you have ever experienced hard times, I know most of the country is doing just peachy right now.

Be glad you have your jobs, quit wasting so much of your life trying to discredit someone else you don't even know (how many hours could you have spent volunteering to actually help someone instead?), and embrace all opinions on automotive maintenance, customization, and troubleshooting. None of us are right 100% of the time, most of the time we ALL have to try things 2, 3, or a 100 times before we get it right...particularly on a classic car. I don't recall any of the threads being referred to as "100% guaranteed accurate answers". We work on old cars, try new things, cuss, and aspire to build things other people cannot...leave it at that.

I welcome any questions on DB, and before any of you geek out I live in Arma, KS, Comcast provides my internet connection...feel free to check me out...you will not find me or pages of posts you can criticize.
It's nice that you defend your friend, and he sounds like a nice guy, but the fact remains he needs to pay the money back. The circumstances are shitty, I agree, but the unfortunate reality is that the responsibility is still his. He just needs to figure out a way to get the money back and that should solve everything.
Old 12-29-2008, 02:24 PM   #335
RodsknockinRodsknockin is offline
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Originally Posted by enkeivette View Post
I've heard enough. I'm out.
That's probably best. No hard feelings?
Old 12-29-2008, 02:32 PM   #336
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by SeanPlunk View Post
It's nice that you defend your friend, and he sounds like a nice guy, but the fact remains he needs to pay the money back. The circumstances are shitty, I agree, but the unfortunate reality is that the responsibility is still his. He just needs to figure out a way to get the money back and that should solve everything.

Just made $200 more towards the cause, sold some parts here locally.

Shame Mike won't take any of it yet.

Few more deals like that and I'll have enough for the full refund.
Old 12-29-2008, 03:29 PM   #337
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
Just made $200 more towards the cause, sold some parts here locally."Cause?"

Shame Mike won't take any of it yet.That bastard
Now it's a cause? Cancer/MS/Lupus is a cause. Sad thing is, I believe you may think of it that way.
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Old 12-29-2008, 03:42 PM   #338
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Originally Posted by mrharris32 View Post
Obviously I'm "new" to your community. I am not much for forums, never have been. As an IT man by day I spend my share of time behind the bright light but never really found it worthwhile to spend time "posting" on, or for that matter wasting so much time assessing other peoples lives. In the real world those people are usually women who watch Soaps, gossip, and live off their husbands income. Labeling us from the start? Great idea.

I've read all 33 pages of crap here and am amazed, is this what people are spending their time on? That would be your buddy. I can't begiun to compete with his records

Now, for the biggie that should spark another 30 pages of wasted time and cloaked bitching from guys who wrench on their pet projects and have spent so much time reading GM tech data they believe to be "master mechanics". My name is Matt, and I am a personal friend of DB/Matt...I have been for many many years. Before you fall off your chair I stumbled on this thread during a conversation with DB, he simply recommended it as a good read.

I was there the day this man signed up for CF, he was in MY shop on one of the terminals we used to diagnose or obtain tech data for repairs. DB is not some half ass sitting behind a computer...this man has put in hundreds upon hundreds of hours turning wrenches. He was my partner for 4 years at a classic car restoration shop where we put together everything from a 77 Charger to an 87 Toyota Pickup...an interesting restore based on the truck shown in the movie "back to the future". The truck belonged to a young man who died, his brother wanted the truck as his brother did...DB being the asshole that he is spent hundreds of hours, 18 hour shifts, etc working on this vehicle so it would be done in time for a very special memorial service. What did he get paid? NOTHING. So have I. I still pay my debts

Christmas last year we got a plea from a father wanting to give his daughter a vehicle on Christmas, a 99 Tahoe that had belonged to her deceased mother....a bent piston rod and severe bearing damage. This was a paying customer that found us about 7 days before Christmas...one that we provided a beautiful christmas to due to working non-stop for 3 days without a break. DB was there for all of it, sliced up, knuckle busted and still kicking for the sake of a young girl with a dead mother...we made a measly $750 on the job including the cost of parts/machine work.

I've seen the man build 2 trucks from spare parts that performed beautifully, I've witnessed and worked with him on hundreds of brake jobs, clutch replacements, tranny rebuilds, complete wiring (try doing a full rewire on a 65 Dodge A100 sometime)....you name it, DB and I did it together.

He's one of the most stand up guys I've ever known, guaranteed to be loyal 100% of the time....I can't count the number of times I depended on him when nobody else was willing to help.

With that said get off the dual alternators and dual washer systems, I've seen both with my own eyes and they're great. Who cares really? The dual alternator hurts nothing and the dual washer system is just neat....it's for FUN, it's unique. Lighten up...really. It may not be necessary but DB isn't building track cars.

The crap with the heads...for starters it's between 2 men, not a bunch of people who have nothing better to do on a forum. The heads to be sent were put in care of a machine shop who may or may not have fulfilled it's obligation. We've both used the shop in the past with mixed results, typically they turn out truly quality product and it's worth the wait.

Bottom line is you all know NOTHING about DB, the man gives away more auto parts than you probably have in your shop, if he had the money or credit to refund he would've done it. Apparently none of you have ever experienced hard times, I know most of the country is doing just peachy right now. Nope. I have not met him. I only know how he is on the internetr. Clearly a side you haven't seen at all.

Be glad you have your jobs, quit wasting so much of your life trying to discredit someone else you don't even know (how many hours could you have spent volunteering to actually help someone instead?), and embrace all opinions on automotive maintenance, customization, and troubleshooting. None of us are right 100% of the time, most of the time we ALL have to try things 2, 3, or a 100 times before we get it right...particularly on a classic car. I don't recall any of the threads being referred to as "100% guaranteed accurate answers". We work on old cars, try new things, cuss, and aspire to build things other people cannot...leave it at that.

I welcome any questions on DB, and before any of you geek out I live in Arma, KS, Comcast provides my internet connection...feel free to check me out...you will not find me or pages of posts you can criticize.
Quite the noble gesture Mr Harris. Clearly, he has pulled the wool over your eyes as well. Have another sip of cool aid.
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Old 12-29-2008, 03:50 PM   #339
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
I didn't see a point in continuing to argue with them. They do fine all by themselves. I will clear up a few things..........

The alternator clocking thing is just another topic they love to rip on me about, so here's a proof pic to shut them up, because guess what, MOST CS130 cases cannot be clocked for mounting purposes at all, and yes, as I suggested to the original poster, it's better to take it back to Oreilly and exchange it for a case that is already suited for your application without having to crack it open and void the warranty.
Now let me refresh your memory. The ORIGINAL thread about clocking was about an SI type alternator. Something I have done for 40 years. You seem to have failed to mention that. Also, FWIW, nowhere is it said it voids the warranty. As long as you have the receipt, no one looks for a secret "seal".

Mr Harris. The ROOT of this entire delema lies in the fact Mr DB has never admitted to being wrong about anything. He merely slants/distorts/spins things around to explain things.

His explanation above took 2 years of intense effort on his part to explain something I already know, but proves ZERO about the original point. "How to clock an SI alternator.
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Old 12-29-2008, 04:01 PM   #340
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Mr Harris. I would like to ask you one question. How do you feel he handled the situation? Do you think spending someone elses money for his own needs first was the RIGHT thing to do? I await your "honest" answer.
Chrome don't get you home.

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