12-26-2008, 12:01 PM
Fast & Filthy
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 3,840
Originally Posted by DJ Dep
Think about this....if the opposition has the exact same car and mods, except his is set up for strip-only use and has gone through a weight reduction plan, do you really think you can beat him? I don't. It's a fact that the easiest, cheapest way to make ANY car go faster is to remove/reduce weight.
That's what my Chevelle is for. I also don't see what your problem is with me having a fast street car. Can you take your truck out to Willow Springs and do 130-140 on the straights? I can in my Cobra. Can you take your truck to the drag strip and beat most of the other cars there? I can in my Cobra. I can also drive it from CA to NY if I wanted to all with the comfort of heat, air, stereo and movies.
Also, if I want to move something then I just throw it in the back of my Explorer or my Suburban and if it is too big then I hook up my trailer. Seems like I can do everything you can with your truck. The only difference is I'm an auto enthusiast and enjoy my hobby and driving my vehicles. You just have your truck because it's practical.
Originally Posted by DJ Dep
Just curious...but why did you have to bring the 9 month old infant along? And how did a DVD monitor help to keep her quiet. That's kinda early to get her addicted to TV viewing. Couldn't the wife just stay home with her?
My grandmother was not doing well and we went to see her as a family. My grandfather had recently past away and we didn't think my grandmother was going to be around much longer. We actually do most things as a family. Even when I go to the races, which are only about 5 miles from my house, my wife comes later in the morning with my daughters. No need for them to get up at 4am when they can meet me later when the racing begins.
Back to your question. The movie would keep her entertained enough that we could go further before we stopped to let her out of her car seat. She did not like to be strapped down where she couldn't move. We would put in "Letter Learners" and we were able to drive further before she got restless.
Originally Posted by big_G
It's all about the dumbing down of society. Let the govt. be the nanny. Take all control of raising your children and let the govt. do it. Social promotion, day care, pre-k. It's all there to assist the govt. schools to brain-wash the kiddies into thinking the parents aren't needed to raise them. Look who is teaching our children today. Yesterday's hippies. Guys like Ward Churchill and William Ayres. Don't get me started about 2 income families. Instead of Mom staying home to raise the kiddies, she's out working so they can have a McMansion and 2 new cars. 
The biggest issue with housing in So Cal is that is is so expensive that it usaully takes two incomes to afford a decent home as Sean can tell you. When I bought my first house I bought a very small one that my wife and I could afford on just my income so that when we had kids she could be at home with them. We are now in our second home and my wife still does not have to work. She is a stay at home mom and she is great mother and wife. I couldn't ask for a better one.
As for watching TV, my daughters don't have time to watch TV. When they get home from school my wife sits down with them as they do their homework. My 5 year old only has 1 homework assignment a week so we have letter and number worksheets that we give her on our own so that she has homework everyday. Once they're done with homework they get to play until dinner. After dinner they take a bath and then get ready for bed. My 7 year old reads a book to us for 15 minutes and then they go to bed.
You two just sound like a couple of old farts (I'm 37) who think the world is going to hell. I too didn't have this stuff when I was a kid. Do I think that watching a movie in the car makes kids dumb? No and since my 5 year old is already where she should be by the end of the school year and my 7 year old is on the honor roll I don't think anything you say about it will change my mind.
12-26-2008, 12:10 PM
Resident Avatar Gambler
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 5,997
Originally Posted by DJ Dep
Geez!!! The mods scared the poop out of me!!! I thought I was back at CF and a thread had been "sanitized!! 
Sure glad to see parts of it were just relocated.
I have to agee with big_G 100%. Schoolbooks have been so distorted that I get scared looking at them. If I had kids (which I don't), I'm pretty sure they would be home-schooled. Or at the very least, I would have to look at what the books in the school had in them and "re-educate" my kids at home to correct all the errors. Way too much is expected from schools nowadays. Besides an education, schools are expected to teach morals, sex education, and discipline. Yet if a teacher whacks a kid, the teacher will be in court the next day. That's why so many kids are being sent to Catholic schools for their education. If a parent isn't going to take an active part in raising their kid, I think they should send him to a military academy. They can instill what public schools can't. Not sure what you would do for a girl, though. A convent? 
Sorry gentleman, but I totally disagree with both of you. First of all, teen sex and pregancy is not glorified and in fact statistically has gone down every year since 1991 accept for this year (this year actually was the first year with a slight rise - I blame Sarah Palin's daughter ). Secondly, both of my brother's work in after school programs, and one of them was a history major, and none of what you are saying about text books is true. I have heard no mention of things like Pearl Harbor being omitted. You would have to provide pretty firm evidence for me to believe something like that is true.
I just don't think things are as bad as you guys think. I went to public schools and I would say the level of education I got was quite good. I think the decay of society has much more to do with bad parenting than it does with poor education.
12-26-2008, 12:14 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 107
1. Chevelle
2. Mustang (sorry, but the only car I call a "Cobra" hasn't been made for years, unless you include the replica kit cars).
3. Ford Explorer
4. Chevy Surburban
5. Trailer
I guess you won't be applying for any of the government handouts
No idea what or where Willow Springs is. If it's a curvy track, you won't ever find me there.
The correct term is Old Geezer...and yes, I am one. Big_G probably is one too. We are proud of that. While our generation may have had it's screwups, we did accomplish a lot of good stuff. BTW...in case you haven't noticed, the world IS going to hell (in a hand basket). 
12-26-2008, 12:25 PM
Fast & Filthy
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 3,840
I do agree with you that a lot of parents neglect their children and do not raise them or discipline them they way they should. I however am not one of those fathers and took it very personally.
By the way Willow Springs is a race course here in So Cal and has a half mile front straight. I also beat a bunch of Cobra's (Factory Five Spec kit cars)there with my Cobra (Mustang). Here's a picture of it there after I past a Shebly Series One.

12-26-2008, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396
You two just sound like a couple of old farts (I'm 37) who think the world is going to hell. I too didn't have this stuff when I was a kid. Do I think that watching a movie in the car makes kids dumb? No and since my 5 year old is already where she should be by the end of the school year and my 7 year old is on the honor roll I don't think anything you say about it will change my mind.
No, I am a bit older than some here and have lived thru the late 50's and the 60's. That gives me a frame of reference that some don't have. I come from a generation that spawned the "Space race" that landed a man on the moon. 40 years later, China says they will go to the moon. Our generation was listening to the Beatles, Moody Blues and Carol King. This generation listens to Ludicris, Jay-Z, Three-six mafia etc. Our generation spoke of "Make love, not war". Today it's all about "pimps and ho's, killin'a cop, selling/doing drugs etc. Most of the kids I grew up with all played some kind of sports after school, with pick-up games everywhere. Today, most kids hit the computer/X-box when they get home and are on it for hours. When I was 12, I had a paper route, and sold Christmas cards door to door, mowed lawns and painted houses. How many kids today have you seen doing the same?
12-26-2008, 01:16 PM
Fast & Filthy
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 3,840
Originally Posted by big_G
No, I am a bit older than some here and have lived thru the late 50's and the 60's. That gives me a frame of reference that some don't have. I come from a generation that spawned the "Space race" that landed a man on the moon. 40 years later, China says they will go to the moon. Our generation was listening to the Beatles, Moody Blues and Carol King. This generation listens to Ludicris, Jay-Z, Three-six mafia etc. Our generation spoke of "Make love, not war". Today it's all about "pimps and ho's, killin'a cop, selling/doing drugs etc. Most of the kids I grew up with all played some kind of sports after school, with pick-up games everywhere. Today, most kids hit the computer/X-box when they get home and are on it for hours. When I was 12, I had a paper route, and sold Christmas cards door to door, mowed lawns and painted houses. How many kids today have you seen doing the same?
I don't listen to any of that crap and would never allow my daughters to. I won't even let them watch a PG movie until I have seen it first to make sure it's appropriate for them. My daughters listen to mostly Disney CD's like the Cheeta Girls, High School Musical, The Jonas Brothers, etc.
12-26-2008, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396
I don't listen to any of that crap and would never allow my daughters to. I won't even let them watch a PG movie until I have seen it first to make sure it's appropriate for them. My daughters listen to mostly Disney CD's like the Cheeta Girls, High School Musical, The Jonas Brothers, etc.
Good for you. Wish more parents were as concerned.
12-26-2008, 01:26 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 107
Originally Posted by big_G
No, I am a bit older than some here and have lived thru the late 50's and the 60's. That gives me a frame of reference that some don't have. I come from a generation that spawned the "Space race" that landed a man on the moon. 40 years later, China says they will go to the moon. Our generation was listening to the Beatles, Moody Blues and Carol King. This generation listens to Ludicris, Jay-Z, Three-six mafia etc. Our generation spoke of "Make love, not war". Today it's all about "pimps and ho's, killin'a cop, selling/doing drugs etc. Most of the kids I grew up with all played some kind of sports after school, with pick-up games everywhere. Today, most kids hit the computer/X-box when they get home and are on it for hours. When I was 12, I had a paper route, and sold Christmas cards door to door, mowed lawns and painted houses. How many kids today have you seen doing the same?
BG: I am 59. I suspect your age is close to mine. 
I lived through the exact same times as you. Geez I miss them.
94cobra69ss396: Truce is cool. Heck, we weren't arguing anyway. Just different points of view is all 
Here's the Cobra I'd cut off both nuts for. 427 King Cobra.
SeanPlunk: I suggest you browse through some current grade school and high school history books and stop at the Civil War. Look at the REASON they give for why it was fought. Complete BS. Of course, the victors get to write history any way they want 
12-26-2008, 01:53 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 5,320
Originally Posted by SeanPlunk
I think the decay of society has much more to do with bad parenting than it does with poor education.
I have to agree with you here. Parents are to blame. 
64 Vette Roadster 400 ci
1990 F150 351 ci SuperCharged
48 Harley Pan Head 76 ci
2016 Nissan Altma
12-26-2008, 02:36 PM
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Posts: 209
Originally Posted by BRUTAL64
I have to agree with you here. Parents are to blame. 
Bad education is bad parenting. All my kids could do the "3 r's" before kindergarten. No pre-k, no day care. My wife and were always helping/explaining homework to my 2 sons. My daughter, who is now 14, seldom gets any homework. Now it is harder to know if she is having difficulty. Seems the teachers now think homework is out-dated and not necessary. I don't see any kids carrying books/folders to/from school anymore either. 
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