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Old 12-22-2008, 09:40 AM   #51
silvertermi04silvertermi04 is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
If you do, he'll just start up another thread crying about his mistreatment. Might as well leave it and enjoy

Dont worry i dont have those powers, and i forgot this was the drunken brawl cafe so play on.
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:43 AM   #52
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
Okay....let's put you to the test. I also have a mod at CF that's a good friend of mine. I think I can persuade him to reduce your post count to zero and remove all the stars. All you have to say is yes.

I've seen some quotes of some of the things you have said about your CF mod friend on 'other' forums, and so has he. WHOOPS. Besides, I have no intentions of changing anything for you just because you think it'll prove something...because it won't. You'll continue to harass me for every other reason you can come up with. That's all it is to you, just a reason to criticize me which is why you don't seem to care about anyone else's post count. Hypocrite.
Old 12-22-2008, 09:48 AM   #53
68L7168L71 is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
I've seen some quotes of some of the things you have said about your CF mod friend on 'other' forums, and so has he. WHOOPS.
Sounds like you do have the mods in your pocket....all of them
Old 12-22-2008, 09:50 AM   #54
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by 68L71 View Post
Sounds like you do have the mods in your pocket....all of them

Assume what you like but I don't have anyone in my pocket, let alone some hard working volunteer moderators who have nothing to gain by favoring someone like me over a riot mob like you guys except peace and quiet.
Old 12-22-2008, 01:01 PM   #55
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by silvertermi04 View Post
Lock It
This section is exactly for this kind of interaction; so people can say exactly what they think without being censured, as long as it complies with the rules of this section. We are working on the logic to prevent posts to threads in this section from appearing on the main page so no one accidentally stumbles in here. If that's what happened to you. Our apologies.
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Old 12-22-2008, 04:07 PM   #56
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
I've seen some quotes of some of the things you have said about your CF mod friend on 'other' forums, and so has he. WHOOPS. Besides, I have no intentions of changing anything for you just because you think it'll prove something...because it won't. You'll continue to harass me for every other reason you can come up with. That's all it is to you, just a reason to criticize me which is why you don't seem to care about anyone else's post count. Hypocrite.
So you refuse to lose the stars and post count. Gee...why are we NOT surprised? The fact is the stars and post count are something you use to flaunt your alleged expertise and authority with the newbs. But the old timers know that those stars can be gotten by repeated posts of smileys in the OT section. We've seen it done before with Oliver. We also have very little respect for him. Instead, you get the stars and post count by posting dumbass pics of girls at car washes and bad advice for working on cars. I think your motto is "I haven't found a thread I can't post in, no matter how useless the post is."
Old 12-22-2008, 04:13 PM   #57
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
So you refuse to lose the stars and post count. Gee...why are we NOT surprised? The fact is the stars and post count are something you use to flaunt your alleged expertise and authority with the newbs. But the old timers know that those stars can be gotten by repeated posts of smileys in the OT section. We've seen it done before with Oliver. We also have very little respect for him. Instead, you get the stars and post count by posting dumbass pics of girls at car washes and bad advice for working on cars. I think your motto is "I haven't found a thread I can't post in, no matter how useless the post is."

Not really, I just think you're an idiot and I have no plans to do anything you suggest. You'll very rarely find a post of mine that's just a smiley, unlike quite a few of your own ilk that commonly post just smilies...so again, you're being hypocritical when your own friends are guilty of the same things you accuse me of.

More to the point, I don't flaunt anything...I dare you to find it, and I cite no alleged expertise or authority and I certainly don't show new members anything but respect and kindness...something I think waved bye bye to you long ago.

My only motto is that "No question is a stupid question except the question never asked."...AND, I don't post in every thread. In fact, I'm in only a few threads on the first page of only two sections.

Stop blowing things out of proportion in an attempt to belittle someone else. It shows everyone else here who you truly are.
Old 12-22-2008, 04:37 PM   #58
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
Not really, I just think you're an idiot and I have no plans to do anything you suggest. You'll very rarely find a post of mine that's just a smiley, unlike quite a few of your own ilk that commonly post just smilies...so again, you're being hypocritical when your own friends are guilty of the same things you accuse me of.

More to the point, I don't flaunt anything...I dare you to find it, and I cite no alleged expertise or authority and I certainly don't show new members anything but respect and kindness...something I think waved bye bye to you long ago.

My only motto is that "No question is a stupid question except the question never asked."...AND, I don't post in every thread. In fact, I'm in only a few threads on the first page of only two sections.

Stop blowing things out of proportion in an attempt to belittle someone else. It shows everyone else here who you truly are.

Nice try DB. But you can't rewrite history. We have all seen you posting crap about Dodge truck carburetors and all kinds of OT junk in the Corvette forum. Then you run around accusing people of not obeying the rules. You are one major hypocrite.

And stop trying to steer me off topic. Either the stars and post count mean something to you or they don't. If they don't, I can easily arrange for them to be deleted. Hell, I'll delete mine while we're at it. If they do, well....that just confirms what we already know and what has been stated by me in this thread.
Old 12-22-2008, 04:50 PM   #59
kwplot34kwplot34 is offline
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Some of my favorite d_b moments has to be alternator clocking,you said keep taking them back till you get the right one
And what to do if the harmonic balancer does not line up. you told some guy just to push it on far enough for the belt to line up.

now tell us how you were just misunderstood and how we blew it out of proportion.
Old 12-22-2008, 04:52 PM   #60
big2birdbig2bird is offline
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Originally Posted by kwplot34 View Post
Some of my favorite d_b moments has to be alternator clocking,you said keep taking them back till you get the right one
I could have sworn it was "Have the experts at O' Rileys do it for you."

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