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Old 12-22-2008, 07:01 AM   #41
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
Thought I would stop in and say hi to the truth-tellers that were banned because DB has certain mods in his pocket. I was banned for questioning the legality of the infamous and overpriced SPYDER LIGHTS.
I didn't insult DB or even give him a hard time. I just asked if the lights were DOT approved. When he couldn't answer with the truth (that they weren't), he ran to the mods and complained he was being "harassed".

Actually I'll answer this again like I always did...however you never liked the answer. The bulbs don't need to be DOT approved because the housings are what's important and THEY ARE DOT approved. The answer you were looking for was no so you could tell everyone I was suggesting a product that was illegal. However, they aren't inspected because they don't need to be. The housings do however have to meet DOT approval, and my housings certainly were legal...you just didn't like that you couldn't make the lights out to be as bad as you wanted them to be because you hated seeing others intrigued by them. I guess they were too dangerous for you and you thought they would get someone killed. Too bright for you? Like that's a bad thing?

How long have I been a member at CF Dep? Don't you think that if my information and interaction with those people was so horrible and dangerous that someone would have been injured or killed by now? Maybe upset or pissed? I don't see any of that even after several years of forum interaction. What I see is a group of people happy with their cars and the advice that's been given to them, no matter who...since you claim all the good people left. The only people I see unhappy and griping are the ones like you that 'claim' are the 'good' members that I 'drove' away, yet you keep following me around like a lost puppy intent on chewing on a pant leg.

Jesus guys, get over me, get over it, and actually move on.
Old 12-22-2008, 07:48 AM   #42
68L7168L71 is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
Do you have any clue how enjoyable things got for everyone else when you tools got banned.
Enjoyable as in tragic tales of parting lovers (Curtis moves to katy), off topic picture threads in c3 general and who could forget your “this forum has heart” thread…and you call us homos.
Old 12-22-2008, 09:14 AM   #43
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Take alook at your tail light lenses DB. Mine have DOT marked plainly on them. And the bulbs inside of them also meet DOT standards. Spyder Lights DON'T. It's that simple. They may be "cool" in your opinion, but they are still illegal. They have to meet both federal and state laws and they DON'T. They are just as illegal as blue dot tail light lenses.

As to people not being pissed at you. I seem to remember more than one thread that was posted complaining about things you sold folks. Of course, they were either sanitized or deleted completely because "somebody" cried to the mods. Other posts you made had to be corrected by forum members who actually KNEW what they were talking about, rather than just replying to up their post counts. And then your minions stepped in right away to defend your ignorance. I have seen you post BS that everyone KNEW was wrong and then when you were corrected you had to scramble for a weak explaination. Face it DB...you are NOT an expert on everything Corvette, and posting in every single question whether you have idea about the correct answer or not is not helping anyone. Although it does cause a good deal of laughter at you behind your back. If you would just STFU for a week or two and let CF exist without all your idiotic input, that place would improve 100%.
Old 12-22-2008, 09:23 AM   #44
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
Face it DB...you are NOT an expert on everything Corvette, and posting in every single question whether you have idea about the correct answer or not is not helping anyone. Although it does cause a good deal of laughter at you behind your back. If you would just STFU for a week or two and let CF exist without all your idiotic input, that place would improve 100%.

I don't have to face anything, especially because you say so. Find me one quote from me saying I was an expert on everything Corvette. I have never claimed to be an expert and you won't find anything of that sort. I have no minions, or followers, or cronies...I don't have a cult. What I have is a bunch of idiots following me around with BS signs and you're the only people complaining and causing a riot.

You're wrong about people I have sold to. Everyone that has ever bought something from me has gotten their item and I don't recall a single complaint...with the exception of a single unfinished deal that's being refunded right now.

I see lots of finger pointing and behavior unfitting of an adult Dep. Grow up please.
Old 12-22-2008, 09:32 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
I don't have to face anything, especially because you say so. Find me one quote from me saying I was an expert on everything Corvette. I have never claimed to be an expert and you won't find anything of that sort. I have no minions, or followers, or cronies...I don't have a cult. What I have is a bunch of idiots following me around with BS signs and you're the only people complaining and causing a riot.

You're wrong about people I have sold to. Everyone that has ever bought something from me has gotten their item and I don't recall a single complaint...with the exception of a single unfinished deal that's being refunded right now.

I see lots of finger pointing and behavior unfitting of an adult Dep. Grow up please.
Gee...looks like they re-routed that Egyptian river to flow through Missouri...you know...DE NIAL

Find you one quote...that's pretty hard to do. Since you have 23,781 posts in TWO YEARS. Figure on at least 3/4 of those posts being replies, and of those replies, at least half of them are incorrect answers to questions. Face it DB...if they dropped your post count to zero and took away all those pretty stars, you'd cry like a baby and leave that forum in a heartbeat.
Old 12-22-2008, 09:32 AM   #46
silvertermi04silvertermi04 is offline
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:34 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by silvertermi04 View Post
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If you do, he'll just start up another thread crying about his mistreatment. Might as well leave it and enjoy
Old 12-22-2008, 09:35 AM   #48
Durango_BoyDurango_Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep View Post
Face it DB...if they dropped your post count to zero and took away all those pretty stars, you'd cry like a baby and leave that forum in a heartbeat.

You care more about people's post counts than I do...I could care less about how many posts I have or the stars...again, find somewhere where is said I was looking for more of either.

Ask your FREIND Big2bird about his 43 posts in one day and then look in the mirror for a post counting hypocrite. Who frig'n cares?
Old 12-22-2008, 09:36 AM   #49
big_Gbig_G is offline
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It's about time someone got voted off the island.....
Old 12-22-2008, 09:38 AM   #50
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
You care more about people's post counts than I do...I could care less about how many posts I have or the stars...again, find somewhere where is said I was looking for more of either.

Ask your FREIND Big2bird about his 43 posts in one day and then look in the mirror for a post counting hypocrite. Who frig'n cares?
Okay....let's put you to the test. I also have a mod at CF that's a good friend of mine. I think I can persuade him to reduce your post count to zero and remove all the stars. All you have to say is yes.

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