This section allows members to have arguments of a personal nature. This allows us to avoid being nannies or thought police, while keeping the rest of the site a bit more orderly. This is the rough part of town. If you aren't interested, leave now. If you're just browsing through this section and feel compelled to post on something somebody else wrote, realize you are choosing to step in the ring.
If you
choose to stay be aware there are rules even here. The following will not be tolerated:
1 - Physically threatening another person. Example: "If I ever see you, I'm going to cap your ass."
2 - Inducing another to do self harm. Example: "The world would be better if you weren't here."
3 - Actual libel. Example: "User X has sex with goats while watching Goebells speeches."
Legal definition of libel: A false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person.
What do these things have in common? Hint, it ain't your precious pony feelings, they expose us to actual liability. That ain't gonna happen. Got it? Good. If you violate these rules your account will be immediately suspended, and depending on the evaluation of the collective, you will be reported to the authorities.
4 - The recipient of your rage must be a willing participant. That is, you call them out, they come in here and give it as good as they take it. If you come in here and start flaming somebody who doesn't participate, the posts will just be deleted.
In a perfect world you'll realize that you're all probably ass holes in your own special way, and maybe, just maybe become friends. If not, at least some of us will be amused by your use of the English language.
Now, let the games begin. Welcome to the Thunder Dome.