Originally Posted by big_G
Na..I'm still gonna blame it on the Dem's. The teachers union and the dems are one in the same. So easy to ingrain the demoncratic party line to the students via the teachers who have the little ones captive for 7 hours a day.
Here in CA Party D and the Teacher's Union certainly are in lock step and it has a lot do with the extraordinarily poor state of public education as well as State Finances IMO.
I guess my point has more to do with the historical model of public education. It had A LOT to do with programming kids to obey authority and regurgitate information. Of course this isn't entirely bad, there needs to be respect and cooperation, and some things are a matter of memorization. HOWEVER, what public school does a pitiful job of is encouraging kids how to think. It's much easier to tell people what to think than to guide them into how to think. This is where our POV cross. Consider a lot of public schools now. Want to write a paper on global warming that barffs up party line, you'll be encouraged. Want to write a paper that focuses on weakness or missing links in the hypothesis and you'll probably get beat around the head til you step back in line.