Originally Posted by Rodsknockin
OK we know the 10 votes for the "Super guys" are all from the VM boys so when are the real Motorgen members going to vote ?
My real reason for being here is to expose these guys and to try and share with you what they did at 2 other sites.If you don't believe me go ask the administrators at CF and DC.
Make that 11 for the "Super guys"

.This is the first time I posted on any of the forums about this.
My real reason for being here is to expose these "Super guys" for what they really are.......Good & Honest People. What they did on the other sites was give accurate info and help other members like myself.If they weren't sure of something...they would admit it. Not like DB who would make $hit up just to post.
Now lets expose your boy DB. I have read his posts in the past and granted he helped members.But when he posts un accurate info and is told about it he goes on the defensive instead of fixing it or has the administrators remove it all together which was the case when I called him on some un accurate info a while back.
Now lets expose your boy DB on Reds Vortec heads,DB first said he dropped them,than the machine shop lost them in the mail,His dog ate them etc....etc
Now lets expose your boy DB on Reds refund for the heads, He got the money out of his MM but his heater went bad and used the money to fix it.
Here's a News flash...That wasn't his money...It Was Reds.
On a closing note...I had figured DB as a Mr. Know It All type...all the "Super guys" did was show DB as the Scammer he is, and thanks to them I will Never buy anything from DB.