Originally Posted by big2bird
You picked a fight. Go ahead. What you got? (Rodger/Dwwnch/Vette Volts/18435672/Rodsaknockin/Whatever skirt you hide behind today) 
consider this when dealing with Rogerrodsaknockin/dwncchs/vettevolts/18436572 or whatever stupid name he comes up with next.
"Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with their experience"....I don`t know who originally said it but Roger and all his alias`s has certainly proved beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly how much experience at being an idiot he has (or maybe he just has multiple personality disorder and can`t help himself, like his friend who can`t help himself and sits in front of a computer screen all day posting for attention INSTEAD of making a living so he can pay his debts)....It is interesting to me that neither he or db are willing to "speak" to the proven lies and deceit...I guess thats how it is when you live in denial, blame EVERYONE else and when you make an obvious mistake just turn it around with "what I meant to say". Yes Roger we are all bad guys and bullies....all 800 of us....except none of us have been caught lying and stealing, none of us are interfering in ebay auctions or posting copyrighted property of others and then lying about having permission....and NONE of us have four or five internet names...or your special friend with two names db/quiet_vette who feebly tries to deflect negative attention by arguing with bird over the clocking of alternators...