12-26-2008, 03:15 AM
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396
So why do you have a Vette? Why don't you sell it and buy Corolla? My guess is because you like the car. I like fast cars. My Cobra is my daily driver and yes some would consider it fast. Me, I just think it's a fun car to drive. But it runs 11's and will pull 28mpg. Also, why would I gut the car when I can beat a lot of car with all the creature comforts. Can they drive their gutted out car from CA to AZ with the wife and kids in the car running the air and watching movies. Guess what, I can! Besides, this is my slow car.
Also, I don't street race. I do jump on the car occasionally but not in traffic and not racing someone. I do take it to the track every once in a while but I usually take the Chevelle. Oh and I also cruise that on the street as well. And guess what my daughters like to ride in it.
From what you've written you're either jealous that I have what I have or you're just being a dick.
Or he was just expressing his opinion and doesn't agree with you, that does happen you know. I don't understand all the tv & stereo stuff either.
12-26-2008, 06:32 AM
Internet Tough Guy
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396
The reason for the equipment is because at the time I was driving back and forth from CA to AZ to visit my grandmother a lot. My daughter would not ride in the car for more than 45 minutes (she was 9 months old) so I installed a TV in the rear of our Explorer so that we could go an hour and a half or so before having to pull over and let her get out.
We then bought our Suburban and I installed 2 headrest monitors so both my daughters could have a screen in front of them, 1 flip down for when I had my nieces and nephew with us, 1 in the front passenger visor so my wife could watch and then the head unit has it's own 7 inch screen which is always closed. I also have monitors and subs in my Cobra and the ones still in my Explorer.
My kids are not brats and are very well behaved and very loved. I work from home and spend all my time with my family. You do not know me so do not judge me on what kind of father I am!
Sorry for being upset but I pride myself on being a good father. Anyone who has met me and my children know that to be true.
One of the great things about this site is that most of us have met each other in person at least once. With that i don't think you need to take the time to defend yourself. We all know your a good guy. Just ignore them.
12-26-2008, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396
So why do you have a Vette? Why don't you sell it and buy Corolla? My guess is because you like the car. I like fast cars. My Cobra is my daily driver and yes some would consider it fast. Me, I just think it's a fun car to drive. But it runs 11's and will pull 28mpg. Also, why would I gut the car when I can beat a lot of car with all the creature comforts. Can they drive their gutted out car from CA to AZ with the wife and kids in the car running the air and watching movies. Guess what, I can! Besides, this is my slow car.
Also, I don't street race. I do jump on the car occasionally but not in traffic and not racing someone. I do take it to the track every once in a while but I usually take the Chevelle. Oh and I also cruise that on the street as well. And guess what my daughters like to ride in it.
From what you've written you're either jealous that I have what I have or you're just being a dick.
Actually, I DON'T "drive a Vette". If you are asking why I CHOSE a Vette as my performace car choice, to be honest, it wasn't my first choice. First choice would have been a 1st gen Z-28 Camaro. But I didn't and don't have $70,000+ to spend on a car. Most of the decent performance cars of the 60s have climbed into the "collector item" catagory, and thanks to Barret-Jackson and other nutball TV shows, everyone who owns one thinks he has a huge bar of gold in the garage. The Vette was chosen mainly because it was immune to rust...a problem for old cars where I used to live (Illinois). It was also quite reasonably priced at $22,000. Body is in perfect condition and it was equipped with a 454 and automatic. That meant a pretty heavy duty suspension. But I NEVER had any intention of doing any street driving with it. The engine and trans have been yanked out and sold, and current plans (which are on hold till I get a garage built) are a 302 Z-28 engine and 4-speed trans with the rear axle converted to a solid 9 inch Ford. My daily driver is a Chevy pickup truck. It gets around 18 MPG, and I'm retired, so I don't worry one bit about mileage  I bought the truck for practicality. It has a heavy duty tow package and it also works great to haul all kinds of stuff around in.
Think about this....if the opposition has the exact same car and mods, except his is set up for strip-only use and has gone through a weight reduction plan, do you really think you can beat him? I don't. It's a fact that the easiest, cheapest way to make ANY car go faster is to remove/reduce weight.
I'm glad to hear you don't street race. Best thing I've heard all day
I understand the concept that "it's all about the children". That seems to be the accepted/popular thinking of the day. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. I'm certainly not making any personal comments about how you raise your children. That's YOUR business. But you DID put it out there for everyone to see that you have a rolling entertainment center in your vehicle and it's there to keep your children quiet and occupied. I simply said I disagreed with that concept. It's a no-brainer concept that the auto industry and aftermarket merchandise industry came up with to keep kids quiet for long trips. What in the world did parents do on long trips BEFORE DVD players and monitor screens???? Simple. They figured out other ways to keep kids occupied. Games like license plate spotting and game travel packs.
But since the idiot box became portable, we now have kids glued in front of it 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It's a handy babysitter and the kid's brain lays dormant while he stares at a screen that does all the thinking for him. Wonderful. Parents cave in to a screaming/crying kid and give them ANYTHING to keep them quiet. Again, not saying this is you, just making a comment about the present situation in the world. I see it every day everywhere I go where there are kids.
I apologize if any of my previous comments were taken the wrong way. I'm just unhappy with the way things are going with kids in this country. I spent 22 years on the job seeing kids in trouble every day and in almost every instance it was because of poor parenting or lack of parenting. After a while you start to wonder WTF has changed to explain this. I point the finger at society and it's "spare the rod/spoil the child" mentatlity. Plus the idiot box addiction.
Just curious...but why did you have to bring the 9 month old infant along? And how did a DVD monitor help to keep her quiet. That's kinda early to get her addicted to TV viewing. Couldn't the wife just stay home with her?
12-26-2008, 08:38 AM
Resident Avatar Gambler
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep
Actually, I DON'T "drive a Vette". If you are asking why I CHOSE a Vette as my performace car choice, to be honest, it wasn't my first choice. First choice would have been a 1st gen Z-28 Camaro. But I didn't and don't have $70,000+ to spend on a car. Most of the decent performance cars of the 60s have climbed into the "collector item" catagory, and thanks to Barret-Jackson and other nutball TV shows, everyone who owns one thinks he has a huge bar of gold in the garage. The Vette was chosen mainly because it was immune to rust...a problem for old cars where I used to live (Illinois). It was also quite reasonably priced at $22,000. Body is in perfect condition and it was equipped with a 454 and automatic. That meant a pretty heavy duty suspension. But I NEVER had any intention of doing any street driving with it. The engine and trans have been yanked out and sold, and current plans (which are on hold till I get a garage built) are a 302 Z-28 engine and 4-speed trans with the rear axle converted to a solid 9 inch Ford. My daily driver is a Chevy pickup truck. It gets around 18 MPG, and I'm retired, so I don't worry one bit about mileage  I bought the truck for practicality. It has a heavy duty tow package and it also works great to haul all kinds of stuff around in.
Think about this....if the opposition has the exact same car and mods, except his is set up for strip-only use and has gone through a weight reduction plan, do you really think you can beat him? I don't. It's a fact that the easiest, cheapest way to make ANY car go faster is to remove/reduce weight.
I'm glad to hear you don't street race. Best thing I've heard all day
I understand the concept that "it's all about the children". That seems to be the accepted/popular thinking of the day. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. I'm certainly not making any personal comments about how you raise your children. That's YOUR business. But you DID put it out there for everyone to see that you have a rolling entertainment center in your vehicle and it's there to keep your children quiet and occupied. I simply said I disagreed with that concept. It's a no-brainer concept that the auto industry and aftermarket merchandise industry came up with to keep kids quiet for long trips. What in the world did parents do on long trips BEFORE DVD players and monitor screens???? Simple. They figured out other ways to keep kids occupied. Games like license plate spotting and game travel packs.
But since the idiot box became portable, we now have kids glued in front of it 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It's a handy babysitter and the kid's brain lays dormant while he stares at a screen that does all the thinking for him. Wonderful. Parents cave in to a screaming/crying kid and give them ANYTHING to keep them quiet. Again, not saying this is you, just making a comment about the present situation in the world. I see it every day everywhere I go where there are kids.
I apologize if any of my previous comments were taken the wrong way. I'm just unhappy with the way things are going with kids in this country. I spent 22 years on the job seeing kids in trouble every day and in almost every instance it was because of poor parenting or lack of parenting. After a while you start to wonder WTF has changed to explain this. I point the finger at society and it's "spare the rod/spoil the child" mentatlity. Plus the idiot box addiction.
Just curious...but why did you have to bring the 9 month old infant along? And how did a DVD monitor help to keep her quiet. That's kinda early to get her addicted to TV viewing. Couldn't the wife just stay home with her?
I hear you. Trust me when I say though, Ron's kids aren't part of the problem. I wish more kids were like his
We went out off-roading all day and they were awesome, I had a blast hanging out with them. They're polite and fun.
As for the TV's and what not, I don't quite get your objection. Technology moves forward and if the kids want to watch a movie on a long trip I don't really see the problem 
12-26-2008, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by SeanPlunk
I hear you. Trust me when I say though, Ron's kids aren't part of the problem. I wish more kids were like his
We went out off-roading all day and they were awesome, I had a blast hanging out with them. They're polite and fun.
As for the TV's and what not, I don't quite get your objection. Technology moves forward and if the kids want to watch a movie on a long trip I don't really see the problem 
Like I said...It wasn't a criticism of his kids. Just what's going on with parenting and society today. What's wrong with a DVD for long trips? It does NOTHING to stiumulate any brain activity with the kid. If they're old enough to actually know what's going on in the movie, then they are old enough to be doing something other than staring at it for hours. They get more than enough TV time at home. When they finally get out in the open air, I would hope there would be enough going on around them to keep them entertained. And it's actually the parent's responsibility to help provide that entertainment. I would hope the parent could come up with something better than just slapping in a DVD and letting someone else educate/entertain their kids. 
12-26-2008, 09:49 AM
I, Vettezuki
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Originally Posted by DJ Dep
. . .
I apologize if any of my previous comments were taken the wrong way. I'm just unhappy with the way things are going with kids in this country. I spent 22 years on the job seeing kids in trouble every day and in almost every instance it was because of poor parenting or lack of parenting. After a while you start to wonder WTF has changed to explain this. I point the finger at society and it's "spare the rod/spoil the child" mentatlity. Plus the idiot box addiction.
. . .
I can totally understand your POV. The rest is just a matter of personal choice. 
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12-26-2008, 10:14 AM
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It's all about the dumbing down of society. Let the govt. be the nanny. Take all control of raising your children and let the govt. do it. Social promotion, day care, pre-k. It's all there to assist the govt. schools to brain-wash the kiddies into thinking the parents aren't needed to raise them. Look who is teaching our children today. Yesterday's hippies. Guys like Ward Churchill and William Ayres. Don't get me started about 2 income families. Instead of Mom staying home to raise the kiddies, she's out working so they can have a McMansion and 2 new cars. 
12-26-2008, 10:46 AM
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Originally Posted by big_G
It's all about the dumbing down of society. Let the govt. be the nanny. Take all control of raising your children and let the govt. do it. Social promotion, day care, pre-k. It's all there to assist the govt. schools to brain-wash the kiddies into thinking the parents aren't needed to raise them. Look who is teaching our children today. Yesterday's hippies. Guys like Ward Churchill and William Ayres. Don't get me started about 2 income families. Instead of Mom staying home to raise the kiddies, she's out working so they can have a McMansion and 2 new cars. 
Decaf for you my friend.
I went to public schools and never once was I taught that parents aren't necessary. In fact, I remember one of the first social studies lessons being about the nuclear family in 3rd grade.
As far as the quality of teachers, it's of course hit or miss. To simply say that a bunch of hippy teachers are ruining our society though is insane. I work for a credit union for educators and can attest to the fact that most of them are very decent, caring individuals. Also although you may not believe it, many of them have their own families. Shocking, isn't it?
Finally, my wife and I don't have kids yet, but the reality is that when we do we will both have to continue working. We don't live in a giant mansion, but the reality of life in Southern California is that it most times does require two incomes. If both parents are doing their job though, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Plenty of perfectly normal kids have come out of homes where both parents worked.
12-26-2008, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by SeanPlunk
Decaf for you my friend.
I went to public schools and never once was I taught that parents aren't necessary. In fact, I remember one of the first social studies lessons being about the nuclear family in 3rd grade.
As far as the quality of teachers, it's of course hit or miss. To simply say that a bunch of hippy teachers are ruining our society though is insane. I work for a credit union for educators and can attest to the fact that most of them are very decent, caring individuals. Also although you may not believe it, many of them have their own families. Shocking, isn't it?
Finally, my wife and I don't have kids yet, but the reality is that when we do we will both have to continue working. We don't live in a giant mansion, but the reality of life in Southern California is that it most times does require two incomes. If both parents are doing their job though, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Plenty of perfectly normal kids have come out of homes where both parents worked.
Never liked de-caf...lol. I never said all, not implied either. It's pretty obvious that our society today has changed a lot since the '50's. With teen pregnancy glorified, sex between teachers and students rampant, almost the norm. Read your child's history books. Not much mention of WW2. And from what I've read, we were responsible for starting the war. Almost no mention of Pearl Harbor, just that we nuked the Japanese. Almost impossible for inept teachers to be fired. Try finding a conservative professor at a major university. Remember that line from a Clint Eastwood/Dirty Harry movie where Tyne Daley is applying for a Detective's position on the force, and Harry Calahan says she is being considered for the promotion because it's "stylish"? Many kids today are not allowed to fail or be left back because it "wouldn't reflect well on the schools". I'm sorry for ranting, but I still believe a Mom and Dad can teach a lot more to our children than some govt. school.
12-26-2008, 11:17 AM
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Geez!!! The mods scared the poop out of me!!! I thought I was back at CF and a thread had been "sanitized!! 
Sure glad to see parts of it were just relocated.
I have to agee with big_G 100%. Schoolbooks have been so distorted that I get scared looking at them. If I had kids (which I don't), I'm pretty sure they would be home-schooled. Or at the very least, I would have to look at what the books in the school had in them and "re-educate" my kids at home to correct all the errors. Way too much is expected from schools nowadays. Besides an education, schools are expected to teach morals, sex education, and discipline. Yet if a teacher whacks a kid, the teacher will be in court the next day. That's why so many kids are being sent to Catholic schools for their education. If a parent isn't going to take an active part in raising their kid, I think they should send him to a military academy. They can instill what public schools can't. Not sure what you would do for a girl, though. A convent? 
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