Originally Posted by Vettezuki
It's always the same story.
Power? Not really a problem to build a powerful motor.
Traction? Known solutions, bigger stickier rubber.
Beefed up driveline for power and traction? Known solutions.
Putting them altogether in a street driven car. Fuc*ing unicorn.
enkei, you did say two sensible things in the same thread.
- yeah, DRs are more important for you than an intercooler (if you want to actually go forward from a dig.)
- you better listen Dr. MB.
My gf is a doctor. Yes, yes she is. A doctor, my girlfriend... the doctor.
Originally Posted by Leedom
I have not had the pleasure of riding in Adam's can but you need to get some traction. Every time you talk your stories are all the.. Light gas... spin, short shift... and repeat. Nice to have as much HP as you do but what is the point if you can't really put it to the ground. 
What good is your tune if you can't put your foot into it because of detonation? It's good for acceleration when you sort everything out, that's what it's good for!
Like I've said, I never intended to make this much power with that motor. Second, I've never owned any other vehicle with even a third this much power. So how was I supposed to know that with $700 275 Nittos traction would be such an issue.
I'll sort it out eventually, but yeah, right now the car is only good for racing people on the freeway. Which is really what I like to do with it anyways. Racing on the streets is asking for it. I could have and probably would have taken that Viper no problem. But hey, doctor's orders.
And I would have taken this guy, if I was willing to go 100mph on Orangethorpe.
Originally Posted by BADDASSC6
Sounds to me like a driver issue. I actually only run 275s front and 295s back Toyo R888s. I do take the rear shock to almost full soft compression and full hard rebound when I go drag racing to help hook.
You think a car that can roast the tires from a roll on the freeway in 3rd gear has a driver issue and not a traction issue? Doubt it. You just wanted to take another jab at my balls.
A more realistic statement is that my car has severe traction issues, but with a better driver, such as yourself, launching would be a much more attainable feat. Even with the insufficient 275s.
Also, these tires are maybe 5 or 6 years old now, and feel kind of hard. Also, you probably drop your air pressure down to 20ish to race I'd guess. While mine was at a stiff 35-40 for good mileage and tire wear on a 200 mile round trip to SD.