Originally Posted by SeanPlunk
I actually don't agree - I think the rotary is cool. You can get a lot of power out of a little displacement and you can rev the hell out of them.
I agree they do have some obvious downsides though. They get marginal gas mileage at best and replacing seals every 40k miles is a bummer.
Sean, the displacement claims are marketing bullshit. each chamber is 1.3 liters there are three of them per lobe and two lobes in a 13b. Each one fires every revolution. If we follow the 1.3 liter rule then a Dodge viper has a 1 liter engine.
They have the worst emissions of any modern motor, the apex seal die (hence no more turbos), and Hondas have a better torque curves.
People think they are cool because they do not have reciprocating parts, but they fail in every quantitative category.
Don't forget that they are expensive to rebuild.
Sean, you like the Kia Soul????????????????????????? GAY