Hey that's cool! Mention my name next time, maybe I can get some referral bonus hehe

EDIT: I am very thankful for the volunteers, they aren't getting anything in return other than joyrides in everyone's car
One thing I want to stress is that we should take advantage of this while we can, sounds like from what I heard, it's not real certain how long they are going to have access to that airfield.....

I encourage all of you guys to go to as many events as you can afford. I know, it's not cheap, you eat tires and drink gas... but autocrossing is a lot cheaper than a full track day.... esp when the closest track is like 100 miles away from most of us.
Originally Posted by kdracer73
I sent Dennis Neff a thank you:
Hello Dennis,
I attended the car Control Course on Saturday, and just wanted to thank you and all the people that made this event so great. My freinds and I had a blast ! I had the red Camaro, and was with the GTOs , Cadi and RX7 guys. It was a honor to be included in your Porsche event. I look forward to your future events.
Thank You,
Paul Galante
Got this back,
Hello Paul,
Glad your group had a blast at the PCA_OCR Drivers' Car Control Clinic sponsored by Walters Porsche of Riverside. I enjoyed watching you & your American-muscle red Camaro negotiate the exercises. You even brought your own cheering section complete with canine - a Chihuahua?
Thanks for your kudos to our excellent team of volunteer instructors and event organizers. We welcome you & your friends at any of our future events to include auto crosses & drivers education track events. Follow our events and sign-up at http://pcaocr.motorsportreg.com/. Hope to see your group at our next event.
Dennis Neff