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Old 01-08-2012, 10:29 PM   #277
VettezukiVettezuki is offline
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Originally Posted by 94cobra69ss396 View Post
It does and if you guys want to just run it how it is now that's fine with me. We just need a set of valve covers which we can pull from a wrecking yard and the accessories.
  • we use my heads (which I have valve covers, and exhaust manifolds for)
  • you touch them with mild porting (optional)
  • we use use the cam and lifters we bought.

This means nominal cost for HG and labor time are the costs.

Is there any scenario where the above would be NO better performance than the motor as it sits because of compression drop or not really being able to breath well enough to take advantage of the larger cam?

Another way to think about it. In short, consider three scenarios.

1 - Use the motor exactly as is, no new cam/lifters or heads of any kind.
PROS Minimum cost in money and time.
CONS Low power. Arguably no net advantage over the stock I4 even.

2 - Use my heads (as is) with the cam and lifters we bought.
PROS Possibly some meaningful bump in power and torque. Nominal cost for gaskets. Not sooo much labor time.

3 - Use my heads (ported by Ron) with cam and lifters we bought.
PROS Slightly more bump in power than scenario 2.
CONS Considerably more labor input relative to possible power bump.

I can't speak for Ron's time. From a money POV, these are all fine as the only difference in cost is basic head gaskets, everything else is using things we already have and most importantly, labor. IF scenario 2 or 3 bumps power quite a bit over 1, and Ron has the time, it's worth going that direction I think. If the power doesn't really move up (becuase of CR drop or whatever), then it obviously doesn't make sense. If the power goes up, but Ron is substantially short on time delaying completion, then 1 is also probably better.

Basically regarding above money is an irrelevant parameter; it comes down to cost/benefit of performance increase to labor time. What do you think Ron?
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