24 hour bump:
SoCal V’s - -Cars- & Coffee - Irvine CA 04-09-2011:
Ford - Premier Auto Group - Mazda Campus - 7905 Gateway Blvd. - 7AM - 9AM
New info: We are going to have our own designated parking, but only for about the first 20 or so cars. Cars coming later will have to park in whatever rows have any open spaces. I strongly suggest getting there early.
01) Gary Wells-----------------------09 CTS-V
02) James (Luna)--------------------09 CTS-V
03) Bob (Jedhead).------------------08 STS-V
04) Hector (hlantin)-----------------11 CTS-V
05) Greg (GAGS-V2)----------------11 CTSV coupe
06) Ernie (lunarx).------------------05 CTS-V 427 Mallett
07) Rhett (guitar333)---------------04 CTS-V
08) John (blackax)------------------06 CTS-V
09) Jarrod (jweymar)---------------05 CTS-V 414 CI Eforce TVS2300
10) James (Dr Design-D3)----------everything
11) Dave (Pro tour 67)--------------09 CTS-V
12) Omar (Unleash the beast)------09 CTS-V
13) Aggie (aggie1979)---------------05 CTS-V
14) Jason (ItsJasonThomas)---------07 CTS-V
15) ????? (StealthGray05).----------05 CTS-V
16) Kirk (kbf250).--------------------06 STS-V
17) Scott (FRiCK)---------------------05 CTS-V--------------Sacramento
18) Gill (GuLuMoNeY)----------------04 CTS-V--------------Sacramento
19) Bobby (ochaole)------------------05 CTS-V 408 CI
20) Bill (no forum name)------------11 V wagon
21) Ny (Ny’s Caddy)-----------------06 CTS-V
22) ????? (irvvine)-------------------09 CTS-V
23) Jim B (jb_bgg)-------------------09 CTS-V
24 Scott M (no forum name)--------07 CTS-V
25) Bob (blkCTSv)--------------------10 CTS-V
26) Dave J (no forum name)--------11 Hennessey V700 wagon
Guy Smith - Spectre Performance?
TIA/R: Gary Wells
'09 Cad CTS-V, 3K miles
'87 Turbo-T Buick, 29K miles