Originally Posted by kdracer73
Oh....... I didn't notice the date for this ! I went this weekend ! It was raining a little at 6:30, then a lot at 7:00......so I went to work. Had 25 + - . cars there.
My apologies, Paul, or I think that it is Paul, correct? The Cad CTS-V & STS-V GTG is set for the Cars & Coffee show / cruise Sat, 04-09-2011, or 2 weeks from this coming Sat. I was planning on going this last Sat but it was raining lightly / sprinkling pretty hard when i got up and I figured that it would only get worse. Next Sat if it doesn't rain.
01) Gary Wells-----------------------09 CTS-V
02) James (Luna)--------------------09 CTS-V
03) Bob (Jedhead).------------------08 STS-V
04) Hector (hlantin)-----------------11 CTS-V
05) Greg (GAGS-V2)----------------11 CTSV coupe
06) Michael (lucthedevildog)-------11 CTS-V wagon
07) Ernie (lunarx).------------------05 CTS-V 427 Mallett
08) ????? (guitar333)---------------04 CTS-V
09) John (blackax)------------------06 CTS-V
10) Jarrod (jweymar)---------------05 CTS-V
11) James (Dr Design-D3)----------everything
12) Pro tour 67 (Dave).-------------09 CTS-V
13) Omar (Unleash the beast)------09 CTS-V
14) Aggie (aggie1979)---------------05 CTS-V
15) Jason (It’sJasonThomas)-------07 CTS-V 416 stroker
16) ????? (StealthGray05).---------05 CTS-V
17) Kirk (kbf250)--------------------06 STS-V