Thread: Seatbelt Laws
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Old 06-11-2010, 03:25 PM   #29
SeanPlunkSeanPlunk is offline
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Originally Posted by jedhead View Post
Shall we have laws to punish parents for misbehaving kids, after all discipline starts at home. Should parents be fined when their kids get lost at Disneyland, State Fairs etc, since they obviously where not watching their kids properly? Should social services conduct surprise home inspections on parents incase the home is not child proofed or safe enough for some government bureaucrat? How much to you want others to decide what is right or wrong for your kid? How much government intrusion in your lives do you want? In an attempt to guarantee safety for all, how much freedom are you willing to give up? Once your freedom is gone, what will you do if you disagree with some government bureaucrat on what is best for your child? Would you risk loosing custody in an attempt to fight said bureaucrat? There will always be bad parents and bad people and life is not fair. You will never be able to equalize outcomes because we are all unique.
I'll do anything to protect my kids. My children come first. But I know that not all parents are like me and I can't legislate these bad parents to be good ones even if their kids suffer. I spend a lot of time with youth organizations to try to help and be an example for those kids. Governments and bureaucrats don't care screws things up in the end, the people that do care have to stand up and work without or in spite the government.


I'm not advocating anything you have said. The reality is that the two extremes here are total government control, or none. You seem to advocate none. That simply cannot happen in a modern day society, so I reject it. What I would say is that obviously the correct amount should be somewhere in the middle, and that line should be dictated by the voters in the system. Laws are necessary and while things will never be totally fair, I see no problem with putting laws in place to protect those that can't protect themselves.
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