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Old 08-31-2009, 10:04 PM   #14
SeanPlunkSeanPlunk is offline
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Originally Posted by kdracer73 View Post
The first vehicle I owned was a Kawasaki 305 cruiser style. Got my first ticket on it too. I found out today my Ca driver Lic is suspened because of that ticket I got in 1985. ...In Arizona..... And being 18 yr old with no money I did not pay it. 25 yrs later it is coming back to haunt me. o
I paid my mail in renewal in June. today I thought...MMMMMM, I never got my new lic. Went to DMV and the music started when I walked in...
I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I riiiide... WAAAANTTEDDD...dead or ALIIIIIIIIVE !!!
They will not renew me until I take care of it. Modern technology is linking all States to collect past penalties.
And because my job involves driving customer cars, My boss ain't to happy.
Wow, that's crazy. How much do they want to take care of it?

If we need to take up a fund to bail you out of jail just let us know
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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