Thread: Cobra :o
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Old 03-02-2009, 05:27 PM   #1
enkeivetteenkeivette is offline
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Default Cobra :o

Was walking to my car leaving school today I see a new GT500. I made the Cobra sign with my hand to my friend as I was walking past it, he was standing next to the car talking to some other kid. Anyways, the other kid owned the car and my first question was, "is it real?" I've seen too many 'GT500s' cruisin on the freeway with only one muffler.

He said yeah, it was his Dad's and apparently his Dad paid $75K for it, which is what I remember them costing. Not sure what year it was, but it still had factory plates.

So he took me for a ride down the 5, man that thing is quick. I had fun.
I <3 forced induction.
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